General Discussion

General Discussion99.99% shit stack rate

99.99% shit stack rate in General Discussion
Granite Lee

    seriously when there are stacks in game my chances of getting the useless fucking stack is 99.99% its fucking horse shit.
    like how is that even possible.

    like my last game other team had 4.6k and 4k mmr and they both played well no thanks in part to my useless fucking tusk who was part of the stack like how

    Granite Lee

      valve needs to make it so that you can at least see the stacks at the beginning of the game

      Eternal Meow

        Would seeing this at the start of the game make you somehow more likely to win or play better? Or would you just get mad sooner rather than later?

        Granite Lee

          no that way i at least know who the useless idiots are and can work around them. instead of them picking like shit around the rest of us.

          Or i could at least just leave. since if the game hasn't loaded fully you only get a 5 minute window where you can't find match. I'd rather that than play with these useless ass stacks

          sin blyadi

            Everyone gets balanced with such stacks. Agreed, that the game is 3 v 7 in this case