General Discussion

General DiscussionSouth East Asia the most toxic server of dota 2

South East Asia the most toxic server of dota 2 in General Discussion
EZ SEA doto

    why ? :

    while u playing in SEA team carry you not you carry the team (result : lose)
    while u playing in SEA everyone call u noob for picking carry and mid (result : lose)
    while u playing in SEA u can't communicates with those skrub with just simple english and they speaking barney language instead (result : lose)
    while u playing in SEA u can't hit more than 5,2k due to lot of toxic player who sucks miracle dick and lose coz lack of experience(result : lose)
    while u playing in SEA everybody lose their minds (result : lose)
    while u playing in SEA flaming and mocking is the only solution (result : lose)
    while u playing in SEA no matter low skilled shitstain nor very high skilled fucktard always using this word to you : "mid or feed" (result : lose)
    while u playing in SEA u will finds yourself mad and went to retarded due to full of toxic player who always thought they're 7k (result : lose)
    while u playing in SEA u will face off against random 6k and got 4k assholes people instead and (result : ez lose lose lose lose lose lose lose -2000 mmr went to retarded and fapping in hell for the rest of your life)

    the point is you can't get rid of toxic player in every server but still SEA is the most childish server in our dota 2 world,a lot of 12 Yearsold shitstain boy playin with no attitude at all.Im done with SEA,gotta flew the plane to Russia and playin with hapiness without those skrub toxic pinoy,indonesian,and stupid brain dead rat face asian forever,GG wp

    srry fr bat engrish and grmmar nahtzhie

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          EZ SEA doto

            I wish valve ban dat server permanently for the rest of gaben life,it so toxic,those kids in Africa could've eaten that shitty immature server


              well it may be shit, but its still balanced. because the enemy team gonna have 5 carries who flame each other too

              Fee Too Pee

                solution : be a good core player and just accept some of your teammates can be retarded . GIT GUD AND SEE URSELF THX
                example : u sure 16 percent alche winrate just because u playing at SEA i do not think so mate

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                EZ SEA doto

                  @Fee Too Pee
                  16 percent alche win rate has nothing to do with my skill,you should watch my replay,it's not about how noob my team are,but those shitty prick who always blaming and flaming all the time it so fkin annoying,and u should know i got very bad attitude mates in every alch game i had,i don't care if my team are noob or not,if only SEA people had good attitude jst like average Australian people are pretty sure wouldn't give a shit and complaining bout my losing match.And my farm rate aren't that bad,as you can see my gpm balanced as well so i'm pretty sure it's not my carry fault.


                    well i stop playing sea server early year it help me to boost my mmr to +++500 this year. my challange is to any player who think they can increase mmr in sea server i welcome u to try..i promise u ..u will see hell mmr..and u will cry..u will see 2 shoes,u can see carry support.u can even see no kill pa..dagon sniper. radience dazzle..welcome to most unique play of meta in dota 2 recommendation if u wanna play for fun its ok..but in ranked..well be my guest..go try look 2k mmr below..u can have lots of fail of the day.


                      Surprisingly SEA server to me wasn't that bad. When dealing this kind of toxic attitudes, you need to have a thick skin and remain focus on the game.

                      SO LOYAL I DESERVE 2 GIRL...

                        Learn to mute ;/


                          Even i u mute them they have no sense of gameplay...just take a look at those pub cafes where the uneducated play


                            move to eu or us or china

                            you all cant carry me
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                              EZ SEA doto

                                Kill urself

                                guys we have some example of how toxic SEA people,just like ths guy.
                                normal skill... ah, LMAO

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                                A waifu a day keeps socie...

                                  USE is worse


                                    only toxic player who thinks he's 7k would post this shit.


                                      Is it? my wordcloud is so happy


                                        "Hurr durr my SEA team always drag me down, pls stroke my dick."


                                          Its not about the server kid its all about your skill. There is a mute all chat that you can use any time or all time, just focus on your game get good, carry those idiot and stop complaining :)

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                                            This is my strategy. Just mute. Let them know why you are muting and just mute. Keep me muted don't unite to check what they are saying. When someone is tilted, what they want is to get you to acknowledge them. If you deny them that then they often just stop. Look at it this way, you are conditioning them like a dog. Getting into a back and forth with them only aids the enemy because now instead of your total focus being on the game it's now inefficiently split in arguing with someone who will never see things your way no matter how clear or right you are.

                                            Dennis 3080@2k

                                              Believe me. USE is far better than EUW and EUE


                                                im winning most of my games in SEA. ez games, i dont care if players are toxic, imma just rape opponents myself regardless of mates

                                                House Cat

                                                  It's your choice if you WANT to listen to them. People with high self esteem will only laugh at those people desperately trying to pull you down :D Take it as a challenge! Or just mute them. In real life you will encounter people like that whom you have to work with, at least you're prepared (since you cannot mute your annoying boss or co-worker etc. etc.):D

                                                  Johnny Rico

                                                    You never felt the anger and the toxicity of a JAJAJA you KNOW NOTHING JON SNOW


                                                      Mute all, do your job. Result: Win.