General Discussion

General DiscussionNerf the leaver passive gold bonus

Nerf the leaver passive gold bonus in General Discussion

    Match 2292843437 - we started really well game and 3 enemies left game. After that enemy received extra gold and starting to own us. Our 2 team members decided to leave...
    Game was ended 2v2, but they were so fed. It is very hard if you can´t convince team to go 5 man dead ball.
    This extra gold is really frustrating. Even guys who had zero farm, can own you very fast if guys left in early game and you have not enough farm. I was playing support and i could not do anything.

    Leavers should be disadvantage not advantage.....What do you think about that ?


      i honestly wouldnt to do a 5 man dead ball no matter what my teammates say

      y would u wanna 5 man suicide ever


        We tried also split push, but i can´t deal with CM vs fed Drow and spectre (silence and 3 shots= dead). We were punished for enemy leavers ??
        I don´t know how to deal in this situation. Split push or 5 man dead balls suck against 1 or 2 fed cores.

        The worst thing that our guys even don´t try to play and 2 leave after we destroyed tier 2 towers.
        This was happened several times in the past. Thats why i am so sad about that.


          I get the same problem many times, the inly solutiin us to play safe and defend until six slotted, 3 heros cant break towers so ez if 5/4 man focus on defend high ground


            But how to play safe with 4 random people. Very often they can´t even speak English. Currently when i see early leavers in enemy team, i am starting to be scared that we lose again, due to massive gold bonus per minute.

            The worst thing is, that when you start to be owning due to massive gold bonus. your team members don´t want to stay in this game and simple leave without penalty and you lose easy win....

            This is pretty bad design. Penalty for winning.


              Pretty sure it is a penalty for not knowing how to play 5v3 rather than a penalty for staying!

              You either need to finish fast or finish late.


                Yes, i always want to stay and win the game, but my team mates don´t. I had more the same situation like this in the past and always the same....People from winning team starting to be owned by fed enemy heroes and decide to leave and ruin the won game.

                Can you tell me what to do, if you are facing heroes like spectre and drow with massive gold bonus ??

                I was playing damn support CM. She is soo squishy. I was silenced and killed every fight in 3 sec.

                I want to play support, but i need to get decent team mates.


                  wtf are you talking about? just force a clean fight or get a pickoff no matter how much Gold they get at the begining, it wont be enough to be more usefull then 5 heros


                    Match 2292843437 - we started🆕 really well game 🎴 and 3️⃣33️⃣ enemies ◀️left◀️ game🎯🎯. After that enemy received📲 extra gold and starting🆕 to own 🇺🇲us🇺🇲. Our 2🕝 team🏉 members decided to 🍂leave🍂...
                    Game was ended 2v2, but they were 🆘so🆘🆘 fed. It is very hard if you can´t convince 👥team 👥 to go 5🕔🕔 man🙇 dead💀 ball 🍙.
                    This extra gold is really frustrating😩😩. Even guys👦 who had 🈶 zero0️⃣ 🚜farm🚜, can own you very 🚅fast 🚅 if 👷guys👷 left🍂 in early 🕢 game🎰 and you have🈶 not enough farm🚜🚜. I was playing🎽 support and ℹ️iℹ️ could not do anything.
                    Leavers should be disadvantage not advantage.....What do you think🤔🤔 about that ?


                      Pot[A]to: you probably didn´t face this situation. It is not about their gold from the beginning. It is also about their gpm. If these guys leave before min 10. You can get easily stomped. Because they are 1 or 2 items ahead. And if their remaining heroes are hard carries, you can lose easily.


                        Did you met some guys who left with not obvious reason from the start of the game ? It happened me several times during few days. It looks that some leaving is organized, when 2 or 3 guys left in the same time. After that game ended 2v5 and 2 guys were raped us with leaver gold bonus, because their left too early.
                        First leaver got abandoned and 2nd got win ??
                        How can he get win if he left ?

                        Do you have some experiences with this behavior ?


                          I second this. It's usually the worst player that leaves cus he's feeding then the mmr gets imbalanced and they have 4 cores or something with more gold. Fuck this. It's happened to me many times and I've thought the same thing.


                            What does it matter if they are 1 item ahead? You got the Number Advantage. I can see waht you mean, but if you picked a good allaround lineup with enough lockdown you will own easy, even if they are 2 items ahead. The Problem is, if you drafted a pretty damn bad lineup (no lockdowns, lacking dmg) then i can see your Problem and understand it, so it depends mostly on the draft


                              Problem is that if they are one luxury item ahead (in 10 min) snowball effect is already started and you have no power to stop it. For example if magebane is able to build bf and manta in 15 minutes you have really big problem. If he is not dumb, he can constantly farm your forest and deny your farm.
                              I have experience also with fed invoker in 15 min. He practically one shot you with his combo. You can´t spent much money on sentries at this time.
                              This is pretty tough to handle it. It is looking simple on a paper, but massive gold bonus if you are playing 2v5 or 3v5 is huge. You have to think, that they are receiving increased GPM. If they have only carry heroes you are done.
                              Heroes with disable can´t do anything if they build bkb, what is pretty easy to get, if they have so much gold.


                                And thats why MMR matchmaking is important..people in mmr (mostly, 3k and above) wont simply leaving a match because they care about their mmr.. i play dota since dota1 and before dota reborn.before mmr matchmaking was introduced, theres a lot of dc/rage quit player...but after got mmr matchmaking, the number of dc/rage quit player has reduced..

                                u only had few game..maybe u r new to dota or this is ur 2nd,3rd advice,use only 1 acc and grow with it...start to play rank when u can..


                                  this is my second account and i want to try if i can calibrate to high skill with mostly support account.


                                    Trust me..u no need to have more acc to reach high skill lvl..grow it. I started with normal skill and now im in vhs bracket..btw good luck with ur new acc..