General Discussion

General DiscussionYour opinion about my Luna games

Your opinion about my Luna games in General Discussion

    Luna is my favorite hero in dota. Can you guys help me with what should i improve in playing her?

    Fee Too Pee

      sorry man i know nothing about luna. nice games thou.
      Luna in my skill level games just got 2 option :
      - Feeds and being useless
      - somehow not ganked and noy dying with her squishy health and actually farmed with fast bkb domi , etc. . still fucking lost because her oppenent buy bkb and out DPS her early/mid/late

      mind if i ask u why u like playing luna mate?


        I really like all of her skillsets and if i got very good supports, i can manage to have a 800+ gpm & xpm :)

        one syllable anglo-saxon

          Bullshit, you just like her A$$.

          Mike Wazowski..!

            she is sitting on a mount.. you dont see much of her ass.. boobs maybe..

            Player 175043649

              you can always try the aghs refresher octarine build


                Get helm of dominator before power treads, then start stacking acients right away with a ranged creep, u can get x5 stack at most, u can clear it under 1 min with a yasha, u can almost get a manta with all that gold, and keep stacking and clearing, that's how I play Luna.