General Discussion

General DiscussionSlardar Agh's Idea

Slardar Agh's Idea in General Discussion

    Add's Ability:
    Fortify Armor - Increases selected unit or tower's armor for 10 seconds. Provides true sight within 500 units of affected unit.

    Amplify Damage - Gives +25% Accuracy when attacking units debuffed by Amplify Damage. Provides true sight within 500 units of affected unit.

    I think in this next patch we will see some more agh's upgrades, and thought that this one would be a pretty decent idea.
    Any other ideas as to what Agh upgrades we will see?


      Wow an upgrade to slardar ulti!! Good idea 4head, rip carries. Rip non vvhs pubs! 4head.

      Pale Mannie

        Does it provide as much armor as Amplify damage reduces?

        Pale Mannie

          Definitely not balanced

          Este comentário foi editado
          ROAD TO HERALD 0

            Much delusion, much lolz.

            OP pls cart your suggestions to the dota 2 dev forum - at least the devs might see it before laughing it off for the whacky cuckoo idea it is.


              Just allowing his ulti to buff allies would be enough. the rest is too much.

              4,200 gold for a hero that doesn't farm great for +20armor on a hero where a double platemail gives permanent +20 armor for 2,800. 1,400 extra gold seems reasonable for that.

              The True Sight/True Strike bits are totally imba.


                i really hate it when normal skill players starts talking nonssense.


                  I really hate it when smurf SE-A players think the are any better ^


                    maybe make target take 25% more dmg from all sources? Idk that still seems OP as OD

                    lm ao

                      dude can u just pls fucking tell me the idea behind your usename


                        @RTZ i was tusk in ur qp game nice to meet u and that kid lc