General Discussion

General Discussioni don't want to be in normal bracket skill

i don't want to be in normal bracket skill in General Discussion
why did you do this to me

    people in normal skill bracket like
    - if there is a situation you are in mid, and don't know you are there ganking
    - they are always afraid in team fight
    - sometimes they are not helping you in the game and pissed you off
    and lastly
    -i hate babysitting sometimes in my teamate, when they are not pusing
    and your enemy is ded

    so hard to myself


      You only have 50 games and judging by the them, you aren't very good, to get out of normal skill you have to git gud! But I'm a normal skill scrub myself, so what do I know right?

      Livin' Real Good

        Well you made a new account, but you BELONG in normal skill, whether you want to accept that or not, i'm sorry. If you were in 3K, you'd either:

        A: feed or B: get carried and not even realize it due to how bad you are. (such people do exist)

        I literally just played a pub match (a 2K pub match)(my unranked MMR is very low) and a guy on my team literally got the shit carried out of him, and you know what he said? " See? This proves it! I finally got a good team! I don't belong in 2K " Nope, he finally got a team that could carry him, he was awful.

        Venus, MBA

          Have you ever thought about looking at the mistakes of your own play instead of nitpicking everything your teams do wrong? Also, you have to be in dota a lot longer than 50 matches to get into a higher skill bracket. Even if that is just a smurf account.


            I haven't played in normal skill bracket in about 2 years I never get placed in it but in high skill I can go 20-0 stuff so if you cant rape in normal skill bracket you most definitely belong there


              Also you seem to suck at farming, 2 slotted (not counting bots) in a 50 minute game as a zero death invoker wtf.....


                like to get out of normal skill get a hero that can kill towers and heroes fast like lycan or clinks then just concentrate on having a high K/D/A and high tower damage. I like clinks because he does fine vs dust ( which is rare in normal skill) and he kills towers and heroes with not much farm. also if you want to make a new account to get to high skill just have a good K/D/A and win most of your first 10 games then you should get placed there ( high k/d/a is like above 10 or 15) my smurf is called hir144 if you want to check it got that to very high skill while being 3k on this account which is my main.

                Mors tua vita mea

                  Man,dont eat shit about normal skill and tell me...How long do you play dota?

                  Mors tua vita mea

                    3.1k party ranked games are in normal skill and they are 10000 times better then fucking 4k unranked 5 carry shit noob games.

                    Este comentário foi editado
                    Mike Wazowski..!

                      You suck dude.. You belong in normal skill.. Who gives a fuck what you want

                      why did you do this to me

                        yow dude just chill bro, this is what it feel when you are in normal bracket

                        Not Trying!



                            want get out from normal ?
                            1. see minimap / map awareness
                            2. backup TP when your mate got ganked
                            3. say ez when you win , EleGiggle

                            PUTIN FOR THE WIN

                              i dont know how the volvo system work. i only got very high skill at ranked too, and for pub i only got high skill. dunno why but i ever got vhs too, but not to much


                                yes i dont want to. i just finish mah exam, and to play with gud team ^_^

                                King of Low Prio

                                  I played my girls account from 1.8k to 3k and didn't see any player who played well. In some cases they made the game harder. (I'm 6 slotted buying detection and have supports refusing to place them).


                                    yeah me too i always got normal skill because of toxic player people on Sea server
                                    and always got "Putang ina mo bobo".
                                    i think its hard to reach vhs bracket in sea server

                                    Este comentário foi editado

                                      ^ Lol says who


                                        If u play solo rank and u 3.7k and above u will be in VHS bracket..

                                        if u play party rank and average MMR for both team is 3.7k and above (even if ur mmr party only 3.1k), u still in VHS bracket..

                                        King of Low Prio

                                          Normal bracket games are extremely easy if you know your mechanics. I literally stalled a game 20 mins just creep cutting as Weaver and the other team just sat there wondering what to do. Eventually my team got items. I had a 85% winrate and prob would have been higher if I played my best heroes. Normal bracket games are hard for normal bracket players. I have a mid 4k mmr and that is where I actually have to play my best to win games because that is my current plateau. If you are struggling to rise it is because you lack the skills not your teammates

                                          why did you do this to me

                                            @king of low prio i have no lack in skill bro, i play every day 6- 7 hrs a day practicing my core heroes

                                            Mike Wazowski..!

                                              You need to find a balance between fighting and afk farming.. Take your last weaver game for instance.. You were involved only in 13 of your teams 43 kills in 1 hour.. You have 7k hero damage as weaver in 1 hour.. 35 mins into the game 1 geminate attack on a squishy hero deals maybe 500 maybe.. You have not been fighting at all that game.. You made your team fight 4v5 every time and them blame them..