General Discussion

General DiscussionYour Favorite Role in Doto -Maybe Mega Thread-

Your Favorite Role in Doto -Maybe Mega Thread- in General Discussion
Johnny Rico

    I like to play as ganker/roamer putting pressure in all lanes and creating opportunities for kills, giving a bigger map control for my team8s.


      I like mid and most flesh farmers, clearing stacks of creeps is the best shit in Dota, and special mention to invoker, he's just so much fun and addicting to play.

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      ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

        I like to play as Riki. I can use him for all roles.

        stupid fuck 2000

          Although i play mid a lot, i love playing roamers/offlaners like tusk, bounty, earthshaker and ebola spirit.


            some mids, mostly carry


              I love playing aoe tea fight heroes. Kunkka, Invoker, gyro, enigma, etc.

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                  I love playing heroes whose abilities and decisions can greatly affect the game. NP, Phoenix are two of my favorites.
                  Other than that, gankers and offlaners who feast off of their carries are my favorite.


                    I like play offlane using np doom sladar and lone druid


                      Is tactical feeder a role?
                      I tend to play Pos 5 support mostly, since it's less burdening (and helping friend is satisfying) for my friend. I only play party with rl friends though


                        I prefer position 4 (Teamfight support) rather than position 5 for some unknown reason though.


                          I love healing heroes.

                          Cleric of the team.

                          Gimme a Dazzle or a Oracle any day.