General Discussion

General Discussionhidden mmr

hidden mmr in General Discussion

    i've seen some people mention some sort of rating that valve keeps about your "toxicity" or something like that. someone said you can see it if you type something into config?

    anyway, is this real and if so how do i find it?


      its probably not real, and its called "hidden pool".

      you can find out how toxic you are (aka how often u get reported on a large period of time) by inserting the following set of commands into ur console:

      developer 1

      u'll get a long list of different parametres. the one that u need is called behavior_score or smthng like that. it is in between 1 and 9999, the higher - the better.
      if u got 9k+, u r gucci. if u got 7-8k, u are just toxic. if u got lower than that, u r a fucking satan.

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