General Discussion

General DiscussionFor those who think that their teammates always hold them back

For those who think that their teammates always hold them back in General Discussion
Execute Order 322

    If your teammates are always awful and you think that they are the reason that doesn't allow you to grind mmr, how does mmr boosting exist, where people gain significant amount of MMR in a very short period of time? Do you really think that matchmaking system always give them good teammates?


      true but people still can get matched with teammates worse than them making it harder to grind mmr the closer you get to your true mmr. This is why mmr boosting is easy at first and harder over time


        you dont get matched with teammates that are weaker than ur opponents consistently ntill u hit ~6.5k, and i havent heard about boosting at that mmr range tbh.

        Execute Order 322

          Truely so, the avg mmr gap between teammates before hitting really high mmr is miserably low

          Swap Commends

            Let ppl blame as much as they want.They will fall down while good ones always climb.


              "Let ppl blame as much as they want.They will fall down while good ones always climb." Quote of the day


                mmr boosting is offered into the mid 7k area. I doubt that many people use it though as it costs a fucking bomb.


                  But its true that volvo gives you after a winning streak of 10+ a team with loosing streaks of 5+, its always the same


                    There are times where my teammates hold me back and there are times when I hold my team back. And if you get unlucky and happen to get atrocious teammates, then you're not gonna win the game unless you're severely ahead in skill. There are often times people do get lucky however, but they just don't notice it.

                    It takes a good player to understand whether or not he did well in a certain game. The scoreboard means nothing.


                      so can i blame lag, dc and powers off................XD

                      great expectations

                        theres certain decisions/playstyles that you can make that will be the correct play in 5k etc but will get you killed in 2k


                          Dude u forget one very important thing:
                          -A Booster is lets say a 6k mmr player, boosting a 3k mmr account, its easy for a 6k to wreck in 3k bracket, he can compensate with his big skill difference the retardness around him
                          -A guys who deserves to win but his team mates hold him back, is lets say someone who deserves to be at 4k mmr but he cant grind 3k mmr because of crap teammates, in this case its going to be very very hard to compensate the retardness with his mildly better skills


                            ^^this must be the stupidest thing I have read on internet today.

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                              ^Ofc, if u do not understand dota and how it works. And considering you are still HS bracket, im 100% sure that's the case.

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                                Mostly, it's not about getting bad teammates, but you guys just aren't on the same page throughout the match.


                         This QOP pinoy (Don't make me have to spell it with "g" included) bastard trashtalked IT'S opponent a lot and start playing like brainded noob after being provoked over a trivial thing and I with my team lost by comeback because of this kid stupidness and so-called pride. (Claim that everyone in the game except him are noob and belong to 1K MMR while him should be placed at 5K MMR. 5K my ass)

                                  And my team WAS on the same page before QOP activate stupidity mode.

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                                    Well at any one point of the game, u can make good choices and u can make bad choices, if any given player makes more bad choices than good choices, than that's a bad player at least in that given game (maybe he performs better in other games). So being on the same page is about all making the right choices at the right time, a thing which trash players cant.

                                    lm ao

                                      Tell me why I cant climb despite wrecking people in my unranked then Kappa


                                        Climb what in unranked ? If you are talking about skill bracket, than you are on your way up to HS if you win, and stagnating to NS if you win/loose 50/50%...

                                        lm ao

                                          E: climbing ranked

                                          If it matters people in unranked are basically ss good as the assholes i get in ranked


                                            if u think u deserve 4k but struggle to get 3k, u r not 4k


                                              The idea was, if you really deserve to be 6k and u play 3k, its easy, if u really deserve to be 4k and u play 3k its not easy. Its just dota common sense...


                                                its an absurd statement that has nothing to do with reality. a 1k gap in skill is actually very huge, and no external circumstances could hold u back in such a case. u might not be able to get to 3.3k for a whil if you are 3k and deserve 3.3, but in the end you'll achieve it anyways; and with 1k difference...

                                                SOLO Q ONLY

                                                  It is absurd that apart from this usual complaint, people talk about hidden pool, how valve matches you with people with losing streaks if you have a win streak, etc. The reason they make millions is because they don't spend time implementing stupid shit to prevent people they don't give a fuck about from raising their MMR.


                                                    If you would be a player worth 4k, and u would start playing 3k, you are talking nonsense if you think you will have a wining spree until 3700... Not even close, maybe 3200, but then the grinding starts heavily.

                                                    And hidden pool is real, if you analise closely the streek of each player from either a wining or loosing team, you will see a pattern, if you don't wanna look that makes you and ignorant. Easiest example is Badman, who playing exacly the same heroes in the exact same way, won 700mmr in 2 months, and lost 900 mmr the next month.

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                                                      My team doesn't always hold me back, but when they do THEY ALL SPEAK SPANISH


                                                        I lol'd


                                                          of course hidden mmr and forced 50% winrate are a real thing, you definetely deserve a higher mmr but teammates hold u back, no way a 1k higher rated player would have 70% winrate in your bracket, its not your fault that you are low, you can beat better players but your allies are too bad and prevent from getting mmrs.

                                                          lm ao

                                                            Nice insult 5head

                                                            And u ironically spew such stuff^

                                                            lm ao

                                                              Ayy kappa do tell me pls if i suck at detecting sarcasm

                                                              Baka senpai desu kyaaaaaaa~


                                                                u suck regardless of your skills in understanding sarcasm


                                                                  K. im voting for Trump. These "Ay ese puta madre!" spewing apes must be eradicated.

                                                                  Swap Commends

                                                                    U have the right point but the wrong figures & perspective .
                                                                    The gap u mentioned in the middle of avg mmr is asymmetric.The 3k to 3.5.Maybe because most ppl land there after cali or they are just some smurfs/bought accounts that fall or still falling down.
                                                                    This doesn't mean team ALWAYS hold u back but the mmr in that range doesn't represent skill accurate.
                                                                    Also in the higher tier the players pool is limited so the teammate is kinda determinative.


                                                                      Kinda agree there. We all complain about teammates but is it really majority of them are retards? OR maybe you ARE being one once in a while?


                                                                        @get gud
                                                                        its so obvious

                                                                        ur skill is normally distributed around ur mmr

                                                                        the higher the gap between ur mmr and what u believe u deserve, the more likely you are to be wrong. idk what the exact conf interval is, but id say u can tell with 95% certainty that your skill is no mre than 500 mmr away from your rating.


                                                                          as well as your performance is normally distributed with the mean of your skill, and u might do better or worse sometimes; same as your team performance is normally distributed around the average of that mmr.

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                                                                            i have reached 5k for more than 3 months.

                                                                            and i feel 3k and 4ks are easy now, stomping 3k 4ks in my smurf day in and day out.

                                                                            lm ao

                                                                              tripleshit u noob fucker russian jhcfggjgdrhyruppaaasdjfkfbb

                                                                              at least i dont suck for a living, like u dfbblhtigadFBPMGCDDyocZhxaxaxaxa


                                                                                If my bracket is very high skill what is my possible mmr?

                                                                                SOLO Q ONLY

                                                                                  No idea man. Are you in the shadow pool? If yes then it doesn't matter if your skill is as good as 5k you'll be stuck at your MMR. Kappa


                                                                                    My teammates are bad.

                                                                                    I a a good player..if my team 4 are decent and educated in college we SEA u see uneducated and secondary kids play with Jug battlefury and aghanim and they think its the only build with the hero...


                                                                                      teammates still hold boosters back

                                                                                      the boosters are good enough to play 6v4 or 7v3 basically.

                                                                                      That doesn't mean team mates aren't ruining games in dota, it means they are so much better than the mmr they are boosting in that they can overcome the difference.

                                                                                      and boosters will still lose games, which just further proves the point that teammates will infact hold you back. The larger issue is minimizing how often you hold back your team.

                                                                                      Este comentário foi editado

                                                                                        ^the amount of losses you get due to ur teammates more or less equals the amount of wins gifted you by poor performance of the enemyteam

                                                                                        ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                                                          Not true. If that was true I'd have a 50% winrate.