General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat kind of nerfs do you expect to see next patch?

What kind of nerfs do you expect to see next patch? in General Discussion
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    Where I can see its only OD.
    int steal and its buff duration need to be re scaled Imo.
    Spectre and Omni ?
    As I remember Spectre was always a good late carry.Its just mb the badman made a trend with drum/urn build.
    Omni was always a decent support.
    So imo it is just trends & metas which make some heroes look like op.
    tbh, except the OD,I don't really see why spectre or omni need nerfs.
    Maybe some numbers re scale will be fine.

    Zorthax Dorn

      Omni won't ever be nerfed I feel. Pros still never use him and with invoker part of the meta he is pretty much useless when it comes to pros.

      I could see comeback gold or assist gold being nerfed a little. It's mostly the reason spectre is doing so well, other than that, I feel her kit is fairly balanced.

      I have a feeling invoker may receive another slight nerf or tweak, similar to blast not being a hard disable anymore. I could see a Sven nerf too, either storm hammers stun duration on a scale per level basis or a nerf to warcry.

      Other than that, not entirely sure.


        Maybe tweak Invoker a "little" bit so his 10 Spells are not better/equal than most similar spells of other Heroes with only 4 spells?


          spectre has always been strong. weakness is laning. so if you're gonna nerf him more this hero cant do shit anymore.

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          Livin' Real Good

            Yeah, she already needs a baby sitter, against a good dual lane she already has trouble, they'd have to be real careful with a nerf.

            And why does it always have to be about nerfs? Why not buffs to shit heroes. Please buff Puck, Drow, and even give Meepo a little buff.


              Spectre needs nerf to the late game, pick strong laners and she is shat on. Reduce haunt duration, increase cooldown to 140, reduce the amount of dispersion.

              She only became popular this patch because the heroes who previously were meta/strong were more popular. She's consistently had a near 60% winrate not only across this patch but across last patch too.

              Zeus might get a nerf for the first time in ages. He was strong in 6.84 with bloodseeker but in that patch you had to contend with leshrac and storm spirit mids as well so Zeus was much less seen. Now with those heroes nerfed it's either Zeus Invoker or OD and if you have a spec then you'll get a Zeus unless the enemy take it instead. Then when they get level 16 with radiance on spec two people press a button and deal 1000 damage to every single hero on the enemy team.

              I'm 1%

                Would have thought ursa will get a nerf along with some nerfs to jungle creeps to indirectly nerf Chen and ench.
                Earth spirit will probably lose the ability to kick allies without ags and the slow from boulder will get a nerf


                  Invoker alrdy nerfed 2theground why nerf him again ? cuz he got 10 spell wow


                    Imo the best way to change OD:

                    Q- changed from pure to magic, no longer uam
                    Being pure makes him just shred everything atm.

                    Knowing icefrog he'll be gutted unnecessarily though