General Discussion

General DiscussionTeam Secret Downfall RTZ

Team Secret Downfall RTZ in General Discussion

    Well Arteezy joined Team Secret and I think that he has one of the worst post game attitudes and can really show how toxic he can get. Does this mean Team Secret might see dark times? (EG fan here)

    The Joker

      He said something in one of interview about him being able to stay cool no matter how the hard game is but in the pub if he got first blooded mid then he will start flaming around. How do I insert kappa face here without pasting (paste) an URL?

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        I don't think rtz is that bad as much.. His good in mid lane game and unstoppable on DAC championship.. Even tho they did'nt get .


          He's not a bad player don't get me wrong, he is just a toxic player when he loses.


            Why does normal skill talking with this kind of forum???.. The fuck.


              Really? There's plenty of normal skill players on dotabuff :/


                Bec other players don mind about dotabuff


                  the guy has played only ten ranked games on that account, and he only won three out of those ten games. it's a smurf account.

                  maybe it's just cause I like Secret but I always thought RTZ was a lot more fun to watch when he was playing on Secret (and specifically mid) than on EG. The whole reason EG dropping Aui for RTZ seemed so weird was that it didn't seem to make sense in terms of positioning. It seems like Sumail and RTZ perform similar roles to me. Yeah they play different heroes and they have their fair share of differences, but putting them on the same team seemed confusing. Ditto for s4. It seems to make the most sense to me to have s4, Sumail, and RTZ all be on different teams. It's taken a while for that to happen, but in the long run it seems like the best move for all of the involved teams. s4 and RTZ both as position 1/2, Sumail and RTZ both as position 1/2, both of these lineups don't work. s4 with Loda, Sumail with Fear, RTZ with EE seem like much better ways to pair up mids with safelane carries. (dunno if the "fear leaving EG" rumor will come true; I haven't seen anything that makes that rumor seem credible)

                  but wtf do I know, I'm normal skill so obviously I shouldn't be allowed to use the forum kappa

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                  SOLO Q ONLY

                    I think EG succeeded with Fear - Sumail as their 1-2 punch because most times, it was Fear who created space for Sumail, and then allowed him to take over the game, with arteezy they both played roles where they needed the space created for them. With S4 I think he shines in Alliance because even though he is the mid, most games bulldog receives farm priority over him. He excels at tempo controlling heroes and making space for bulldog/loda to do their things. I don't remember much of TI5 because that's basically around when I started playing dota2, but that patch favoured mid heroes farming a lot instead of being tempo controllers, and S4 didn't adapt too well to that. I may be wrong here. With EE and arteezy it'll be an interesting dynamic. One of them is going to be have the person who creates space for the other, who that is may depend a lot on the new patch.


                      Rtz is dogshit compared to weehaa. Tell me I'm wrong someone.

                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                        Universe is the main deal here. Puppey really tries to pick different heroes every game even if they are bad but Universe is really good so he will perform well with all those I think, unlike Misery. Also EE will push RTZ to be less greedy or the other way around, not sure. But the only time I have seen EE play Mirana was with Arteezy when he stood in for EG so I don't really know.


                          Kicking the player that reliably carried you is always a great plan. I hope w33 is on some team in TI.

                          Dire Wolf

                            Arteezy is shit and will never win anything. Although a lot of people said that about EE too... so I could be wrong, but look at this guy. EG makes a name for themselves knocking alliance out of TI in 2014, but that's not good enough, rtz leaves to form the team secret super team. EG is basically well fuck you, you can be replaced, finds sumail, wins TI2015 while secret has an extremely disappointing placement at 7-8th. Grass is greener, rtz comes back. I never thought it was going to work cus sumail and him overlap too much and I thought that honestly he's not a big upgrade over fear, if an upgrade at all in the safe lane position. Well fear pulled through on support, he was probably their best player in shanghai, but EG didn't win, rtz again flip flops back to team secret.

                            It's just dumb and I don't feel he's going to co-exist well with EE, but they may still win cus holy shit universe. Honestly I thought the core of EG was always fear, ppd, universe and then for that magical moment when they won TI, sumail played out of his mind, though it helped a lot that his two heroes windranger and storm were in the meta.

                            So idk we'll see, not sure how EG will do losing universe, but any team with fear and ppd is still going to be good. I mean if OG can come out of nowhere to win a major anything can happen honestly. But I don't see how this makes secret that much stronger.

                            Any word on Zai? Is he going to make a return? He's offlane right, maybe he could replace universe.

                            "Universe is the main deal here. Puppey really tries to pick different heroes every game even if they are bad but Universe is really good so he will perform well with all those I think, unlike Misery. Also EE will push RTZ to be less greedy or the other way around, not sure. But the only time I have seen EE play Mirana was with Arteezy when he stood in for EG so I don't really know."

                            I agree with that, universe is consistently the best offlaner in every tournament. Still dunno how EE and rtz co-exist though.

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                              I don't feel he's going to co-exist well with EE

                              I'm not sure they would wind up on the same team if they didn't think it could work; they've already played on a team together. They played on Kaipi together. Artour was on Kaipi from 2013-04-29 to 2013-08-15, EE from 2013-03-19 to 2013-09-19. It's worth mentioning that Pieliedie was also on Kaipi for that whole timeframe. So right now, three out of five players on Secret are actually the Kaipi lineup that lasted from May until September of 2013, which ended because the team was acquired by RSnake. The RTZ EE bromance goes back years.

                              fwiw I'm hoping Zai comes back full time sometime soon, too; he's a really fun player to watch. I'm hoping he's EG's offlaner full time, but I'm not sure if that's likely or if Zai still has school.

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