General Discussion

General DiscussionQuestions about Crystal Maiden everybody wanna know.

Questions about Crystal Maiden everybody wanna know. in General Discussion

    1. Which one is preferable to skill between crystal nova or frostbite?
    2.When you usually max arcane aura?
    3. When you usually skill level 1 ultimate?
    4. Why do we have to grow up and work and raise kids and pay the bills and wife yell at us and not playing dota all day anymore? ( ok this is cameo question)


      frost bite is useful only if there are enemies who can escape with blinks/invis or other stuff, nova is better in all the other situations since it's aoe and at lvl 4 gives a very nice slow. 1 point on q w and e at lvl 3 then skill what you need.
      depends on what you need in the game, no need to have it at lvl 4 if then you're always at full mana
      depends if you have enough mana, with no items your manapool is too low at lvl 6


        U r saying u usually max Q?


          My thoughts on it;
          1. Depends on what the team needs at the time. i.e if you have little lock down for mobile heroes probably frostbite build, if your team is going heavy early push cause you won't win the late game nova may help in that regard

          2. Most popular builds tend to max it after nova/frostbite. The affect it has on the team far is well worth the levels.

          3. Again most popular builds at the moment are picking up the ult at 6. The 30% ms slow is important for a team along with the decent damage that can be dealt with a well placed ult. Always keep in mind your mana level, ensure you always have enough for a full combo.

          4. I typed out several answers to this... None I thought were good enough.

          Dune, the Desert Planet

            Max aura on level 7.

            Max Frostbite versus QoP, AM. Max Nova otherwise.

            Ulty anywhere from 6 to 10. Keep in mind that there is experience gap between level 8 and 9 and since CM usually is position 5 you might want your ulty at 8.