General Discussion

General DiscussionSo i got this friend

So i got this friend in General Discussion

    I got this friend who's really good. For me he's one of the best players i ever played with. He started smurfing around, to tell you here really good at smurfing. He already got accounts that lead to 4k up after 10 games. His passed account are either given or forgotten because hes mmr after tbd gets down. Now ge just made an account here <------ Thats 4k after tbd. Now only 3.6k LOL
    Then what if it goes down fo real now hes gonna make a new one? Kakkakaka, anyway i reach 4k and deciding to not play my main for now cause im already contented. Now im trying to smurf just for fun and also i want this to be my betting account. So i cant be tempt in fucking betting on my main. Kakakakka

    My point is (Base on my observation with him)
    You really cant be fucking good if you keep smurfing like shit. Because your skills will be fucken stuck, you cant upgrade.
    I suggest stick to that old account and boost up!!!

    I was super under him when i play dota2, now I can just fucking rekt him when I want lol. Because i sticked to my fooking 2.1k after TBD. account and never left til reached 4k.


      welp, because lord GabeN gave me dicks in my team each and every game when my mmr was TBD, i got solo mmr of ~300. I am really pissed because of that but i am still trying to upp it. Any tips on that though?



          nah hes not that good sorry :)

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