General Discussion

General DiscussionPL could use a buff

PL could use a buff in General Discussion

    Or preferably restoring the old one ,but seriously PL is fucking shit you pick certain heroes or items and bye bye PL in pubs , well in competitive its quite different but 99% of matches are pubs .


      i countered es with pl


        if you get countered by a hero in a pub u build your hero around them

        Илија Маскович

          pl is cancer, no need for buffs

          Westbrook (Prime)

            Buff riki better (y)


              that feeling when you track pl and he doppels and you're still looking for him everywhere

              Piguera- @Neoxa

                /\ Ofc BH isn't a hero you want to be playing against PL.


                  playing on sea/india = lost chooes any hero, either team abandon or everyone sucks ass, either way <40% wr guaranteed.

                  Piguera- @Neoxa

                    Diffusal + Hex + Abyssal on PL = win against any hero.

                    Other items may be Boots of Travel, Butterfly, Tarrasque. Or any item according to the game.

                    PL was really OP when doppelgang had no cast point. Now it is ok. No buff needed.



                      Putins Price Hike

                        Every hero has a counter. if a hero didnt have a counter they would be unstoppable. Why would that be fun. PL is already pretty cheap with his CD on dopple. And Dopple gets rid of skills like track. The hero is fine. He is just situational .