General Discussion

General DiscussionSad situation of SEA doto..

Sad situation of SEA doto.. in General Discussion

    RIP SEA. No wonder playing Solo ranked in this server is so painful.


      You can find matches in Japan or S-Korea with just slight changes in ping.. Auzi and Japan are my new paradise now. Nice ppl, nice supports, nice everything 10/10


        This happened in a pro game? Why doesn't Valve disqualify the winning team?

        The Joker

          They did disqualify the team from Shanghai Major


            and yet, the loosing team was supposed to be out of the tournament waaaaaay before the disconnection even occured

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              To be fair to the tiny, the dk started trash talking in lobby before the game even started and said they never lost to an indonesian team before and theyll finish the game in 20minutes.

              The Joker

                SEA region is the worst of Dota 2 community because

                1 - They always think that they are the best and that no one can defeat them which is what I view it as their "demise"

                2 - Play Dota as if it is a first-person shooter game (Pick support but never do thing that support must do, Go in 1 vs 5 thinking that he will score a rampage.)

                3 - They always pick the same hero over and over because they think it is OP (I once bumped in to a big mouth thai kid who claimed that he is the best at Ursa so I pick a disabler hero and it didn't went well for him because he 0-6 in 10 minutes because of his reckless attempt to kill me just to prove his point and he then call his team "kak*" and then ragequit from the game.)

                4 - They always focus on killing an enemies instead of taking down their ancient and they would later get their ass kicked when the enemy's carry finally have an enough item to strike back and make a comeback which is very common in a low skill bracket

                *kak (กาก) = suck, noob

                "I love to do machine gun talk battle although I know that I always lose."

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