General Discussion

General DiscussionLet's make an exhaustive jungler list

Let's make an exhaustive jungler list in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    We'll rate them from legit junglers where it's actually as good as laning depending on your team, to good junglers but better in lane, to can do it but it's significantly worse than lane. Like for example enchantress and enigma are legit junglers (enigma I think might be the only hero who is significantly worse in lane than jungle imo), lifestealer and doom would be good but better in lane, dragon knight and medusa would it's possible but bad tier. Please comment on my selections, if you think they're correct or not and add your own. Trying to get some new ideas.


    Legion Commander
    Nature's Prophet

    I think all of those are fairly obvious.

    Good but better off in lane:

    Axe - This one's hard, teams seem to win more if he is offlane though applying pressure. He jungles easily though.
    Lone druid - this is one I'm not sure about. Is he a legit jungler or better as an offlane or safe lane carry?

    Sand king, Batrider and Crystal Maiden - these two get the good rank cus they shouldn't stay exclusively in jungle, just go in to farm some stacks, come back out and be laners most of the time

    Sven - don't underestimate this guys ability to jungle, it's very doable if you rush morbid mask especially with iron talon now. Still much faster farming in lane

    Drow, Luna, Medusa - these guys only make it here cus of the cut trees and stack from uphill trick. Sniper is a possibility here but his dps is so much lower initially. These three all have pretty good dps increasing abilities from lvl 1.

    Dark seer

    Can do it but please don't!
    Wraith king - He just kills so slowly, Idk a lot of pubs insist on putting him in jungle. I guess vamp aura is just too enticing

    Dragon knight - same issue as wk, with his passive and a stout shield he can out regen any dmg he takes but his dps is even worse than wk (at least wk has crit).

    Tidehunter - same issue, won't take dmg, needs to spam anchor to kill stuff quickly enough, really should just take a couple stacks and stay offlane

    Alch - oh my god, maybe it's possible, but pubs seem to really suck at jungling alch

    Terrorblade - this guy used to be straight up legit but too many illusion nerfs, just better in lane skilling up Q and meta right now.

    Jakiro - I mean if you want to wait for liquid fire to slowly kill stuff while you kite it. I'd rather watch paint dry


      Riki is legit


        I've seen people pull off Luna jungle, ofc much better off in lane


          You made a list of heroes that help the other teams carry get uncontested free farm while your offlaner gets zoned out of lane.

          Fee Too Pee

            Ez solo support , ez zoned offlaner , ez -25 mmr for selfish jungler

            ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!


              Mr. Furryhentai

                legieon legit jungler
                rofl rofl rofl lmaofsafadfsd


                  Fake Riki is crazy. Riki is legit and not sniper


                    The only legit jungler are
                    Since they can pressure lane swiftly.

                    LC NP better at offlane, Lycan Ursa safelane. Jungle may work but not at the same class as those 3 above since they just farm and apply not enough pressure to your enemies

                    And solo supporting is hard, spare your support with at least pos 4 jungler, not another carry hero


                      One plus point in a world of negatives for Ursa is it makes it easier to sneak an early rosh or forces multiple rotations into the rosh pit by an enemy support.

                        Esse comentário foi removido por um moderador

                          Most people do not anticipate how early Ursa is able to get roshan after 3-4 minutes of jungling.

                          Waku Waku

                            enigma sometimes do work on mid too thou l0l, 6 lvl 3 summons wrecking any supports that comes into lane @.@

                            ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                              @Murranji it's Ursa duh. What do you expect? You don't expect an Ursa to actually lose a game do you?


                                with the addition of the quelling blade upgrade beast master is legit in jungle if you max his boar first taking a few points in his aura, you can easily get over 80 cs before 10th min if you build vlads first and if the team lets you use the courier a bit really early on in the game. its fast, plus you can roar at people early.


                                  Tidehunter jungle is kinds OK but still prefer heroes that have life steal ability (LC wk and Lifestealer) and heroes that can control or make creeps (NP enchantress Chen enigma beast master and enigma) haven't tired Ursa jungle tho


                                    Ursa jungle is only good if u sneak a lv 4 roshan, otherwise its a waste of time

                                    Dire Wolf

                                      I think lc jungle's better than offlane, 10 min treads and blink, hard to match that farm in offlane.

                                      NP is debateable but no pubber knows how to offlane np.


                                        Try Fortune's End on an Ursa after Enrage ends, you'll know the real pain in your butthole.


                                          Kotls of elazor

                                          milk that tastes like rea...

                                            not saying you should but tb is pretty fast

                                            Livin' Real Good

                                              For some reason seeing " Legion " as " legit " was funny to read, even though I play her jungle myself. XD


                                                doom with iron talon is legit man, u get aggressive at lvl 6 while farming all the time

                                                actually i played only like 7 matches like that, most of them with dagon, what do i know about life :(

                                                Este comentário foi editado
                                                Fee Too Pee


                                                  Fee Too Pee

                                                    btw if you say legion better jungle , you waste so manyyyyy legion comander laning potential, sure maybe not farmed as jungle if offlane, but you pressure so much with your high hp + nuke + move speed for chase + A FUCKING PURGE THAT HEALS + high base damage, heck with boots + skill 1 early you can kill with a decent stun


                                                      I request an aggro tril lane nearly every game and usually get it, vs junglers or spectres in a duel lane it almost always = +25. The funny thing is the spectre players always rage in the all chat


                                                        Legion io lane dual is crazy annoying to deal with but sadly there little io players

                                                        Mr. Pickles

                                                          I dont know why most of lc get jungle and rush blink. Better if lc go lane, just max the 1st skill, its ok to get a level 1 3rd skill for a while.. Lc is a stronger offlaner or safelane

                                                          Fee Too Pee

                                                            oh and those treads + failed farm blink stuck with skill 2 and 3 , cannot chase , cannot duel , kited , USELESS. sorry i just hate who completely waste lc laning potential


                                                              @Liquid offlane LC is amazing sure, but i am not a big fan of safelane LC (excpet if you run an agressive trilane on the offlane) it just feels like there are Heros who can do more with the farm

                                                              Chuyên Chém Lén

                                                                I used to pick Luna for jungle, just to test how fast she can farm in jungle. I started game with Iron Talon, build max 2nd + 3rd skill first, skip 1st + ss, ~18-19min with Tread, HoD, Lothar & BKB (around 10.000 gold), but still lost because all of my teammates lost in lane.

                                                                Fee Too Pee

                                                                  basically farm is not equal worth for losing your lane because its a good idea to have solo support + free farm carry safe lane on enemy team


                                                                    You can go jungle with any hero (poor man shield + talon + lvl 2-3), but if you want fast farming - broodmother is probably best - very fast farming / no-chance to kill (ofc in good pick, not for every game). Check this
                                                                    Also don't blame on alch, he is BEST jungler on freefarm (check this )

                                                                    Este comentário foi editado

                                                                      Brood is a fast jungler after she has her Spiders maxed out bevor she is really slow


                                                                        jungle furion is 10x better in pubs than offlane. You get an offlaner, that means 1 extra hero than the enemy team with more farm. You can sniper couriers and come for ganks as soonas level 3, with all the buffs to treant dmg he also jungles ridiculously fast. Just because the pros dont do it doesnt mean its bad, furion jungle is really fucking legit IF you know how to actually play the hero. But oh well Im normal skill trash what do I know.


                                                                          @Pot[A]to nope. Casual farming with first lvl spiders (as good as others junglers with first lvl) and very fast after lvl 3. You can check any of his games

                                                                          pls be patient very noob ...

                                                                            Boneless tinker jungle looks really strong, considering he could get BoT and ring at 9 minutes on his average run but is easy to mess up either by getting your timings wrong or getting visited in the jungle. I legit want to see some of boneless' more unconventional jungle strats be played in a pro game while getting some sort of team commitment to protect jungle i.e. a techies mining jungle paths, frequent rotations to jungle by safelane supports. What kind of nonsense am i sputtering out again?