General Discussion

General DiscussionOgre Magi good support?

Ogre Magi good support? in General Discussion

    I've been having lackluster games on ogre where I just feel that he doesn't accomplish much. Anyone else's thoughts on ogre and if he is a support worth playing a lot


      just go 1-4-4-1 build and you're set.


        orb of venom, egnite, very good for zoning and trading with the offlaner since you are really beefy with very nasty regen already at level 1.


          But yeah, the few times I played him he falls off quickly. But he is very strong early game imo.


            Your there for the stuns and slows. Normally I follow my carry and gank and bloodlust him. Carrys love bloodlust


              amazing enabler to stick to a carry like slark,pa,od,am and a good disabler if you lane with viper,drow,veno,
              he is a bit too tanky , able to easily exchange with the offlaner
              his tankyness makes him able to live in fights and getting a good disable time almost every fight
              depending on your positioning , you can switch the targeting of your opponents from your carry to you
              this will greatly affect later stages in the game
              +not requiring a lot of money and you it doesn't really matter if you die (ofc if your carry and mid is safe or saved by your sacrifice )
              so yea he is a good support , maybe one of the best alongside opknight and crystal opaiden.

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