General Discussion

General DiscussionIs it sniper really bad hero in current meta ?

Is it sniper really bad hero in current meta ? in General Discussion

    Do you think that sniper can do very well in this meta game ? I have 87,5 % win ratio with this hero, but i don´t think that he is so good. I had pretty hard games with him. He is very squishy and need a lot of farm to be useful.

    Pale Mannie

      You Sir just discovered the purpose of meta


        An enchant or clinkz can do what a sniper does but better

        is there really a point in going sniper?


          8 game sample size ns SeemsGood

          Miku Plays

            Giff sniper evasion against range heroes


              He is awful against players with at least 1 brain cell, your bracket he is strong.

              Livin' Real Good

                Yeah, normal skill, if you were in higher brackets, he would be absolute dog shit, horrible hero, don't pick him, ruins games.


                  ok i am glad for your ideas. I am not good, because i am playing only 2 months, thats why i am only in normal mmr.

                  I don´t like clink, because of his terrible attack animation. He is not suited to go mid. What range carry is also better and more viable then sniper.

                  I know OD seems to be pretty good at this time. But i played him only for one time.


                    Don't listen to the trolls. Sniper is fine.

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                      Word Life

                        Try to use Troll Warlord.


                          Do yourself a favor and don't pick Sniper. There are better carries out there.

                          Pick Weaver or something.


                            Dont listen to those half brained players.
                            Sniper is amazing hero but you need different builds for every game. This meta isnt good for sniper, however your first item should be dragon lance and loads of farming, remember: good sniper is fed sniper.

                            Yes, there are better carrys out there, but let get is streight, which hero can have such amazing range with dragon lance, you wont even see sniper shooting from that distance. Just because this meta isnt very comfortable to pick sniper doesnt mean this hero is bad. It just need more attention.

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                              i said a clinkz and enchant is essentially a better sniper

                              like literally they do everything he does but better




                                hes terrible ur enemies are just shit


                                  dont listen to anyone and join ISIS, its jihad time.

                                  yes, sniper is bad, but not unplayable.


                                    Clinks weakness - invisiblity.
                                    Encha weakness - its not carry.

                                    Thing is , you cant simply make carry items on encha jsut like manta to avoid some skills, butterfly to avoid atatcks. ONly thing you can do on encha is dragon lance and scapter, thats all. So after those 2 items ur dmg is equal only on distance.

                                    About clinks, to be usefull it has to go in cast range which is way worse than snipers, thats first. Secoundly, invisiblity skill wchih is good only agaisnt noob team that dont carry dusts.
                                    Think, sniper to be tanky only needs skadi which is good item for sniper, think about makking skadi on clinks, waste of skill called burning arrows. What other item would u make on clinks to get it tanky? heart?

                                    Finally, to the late game. Sniper shooting has a chance to slow units, compere fed sniper with fed clinks and suddenly u will see items made on sniper jsut nuke clinks, not even saying a word about encha.

                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                      You know that Skadi totally stacks with Burning Arrows right? You are actually saying such ridicilous stuff I have no idea how to respond.


                                        Dont listen to those half brained players.

                                        Don't listen to those half brained players who have 6k mmr and know infinitely more about dota than me who has barely over 800 games played and who never got out of normal skill bracket

                                        do you even read what you type or you just shit on your keyboard and press the "post" button?

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                                          Keep on thinkin there is only dota2. Ive played 2 many dota1 leagues to care about ur mmr talking.


                                            Sniper is actually very good against several heroes that are considered meta atm, like OD and Sven. He's also decent vs. Invoker.
                                            Don't pick him into a Spectre, though.


                                              Keep on thinkin there is only dota2. Ive played 2 many dota1 leagues to care about ur mmr talking.

                                              you're either a troll or just incredibly dumb


                                                if it's true that you played wc3 dota then it's kinda sad that even with much longer experience than many dota 2 players have, you're still stuck in beginner bracket

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                                                Livin' Real Good

                                                  Arin <3

                                                  Fee Too Pee

                                                    sniper damage right now... it's just too low as a right clicker, and need some farm to online, need time to online, but in the end cannot really carry the game. thats my opinion thou

                                                    Long hard road out of 2k

                                                      sinper is bad since 6.84 simple


                                                        Moonshard and dragon lance are questionable really good items for sniper, but a meta of Spectre is always gonna mean Sniper is awful :s


                                                          sniper's alright for defending high ground but other than that basically useless. any other carry kicks his ass.


                                                            just enjoy it in ur bracket bruh,it's good
                                                            but try go use other hero aftee u reach high skill,coz there are many counter for dis dwarf
                                                            have you combo ed by invoker or hooked by pudge or or chased or haunted ?or... ?or...? or...? hahaha (・∀・)


                                                              Ok so i will not pick sniper anymore in current meta. So what are these options for range carry ?
                                                              Weaver, WR, OD (no clink, he is awful)


                                                                Truth is: we all lost many matches vs Sniper in the past, and we laugh at Sniper now because we want to forget that nightmare...

                                                                Este comentário foi editado

                                                                  Sniper is only good against enemy line ups who cant close gap between u and enemy. So for example he is a walking creep against heroes such as:

                                                                  Spectre, Quop, zeus, Spirit Breaker.. and many others.

                                                                  This is ony an example but u would also need a frontliner, such as Axe, Centaur, Tide, BB to tank damage for u what makes sniper extremely situational. In this scenario OD would be 100x better, spamming orbs from behind BB's back.

                                                                  Pale Mannie

                                                                    the last fed sniper i saw was the first day of 6.84


                                                                      Yes when you have for example spirit breaker in game or spectre you you will end like a terrible feeder and all team will blame u. I am starting to learn OD. He seems to be pretty good. I hope that they will not nerf him pretty soon.

                                                                      But pugna is very painful instant counter pick.


                                                                        the last fed sniper i saw was the first day of 6.84


                                                                        Yeah, the latter wasn't won, but that was mostly due to an over-aggressive and flaming Weaver and not the Sniper pick.
                                                                        The hero can still dish out a lot of damage.

                                                                        pls be patient very noob ...

                                                                          I think sniper can still be relevant ONLY IF he snowballs early. Kinda like how PL is shit right now in pro games except when he's run in a proactive aggressive trilane or regularly assisted mid when getting kills. Give him an in-your-face support duo and he maybe stands a 50 percent chance to take advantage of the space and claim relevance.


                                                                            They will nerf od. Im pretty sure about that.

                                                                            [PPLG] Krug

                                                                              You are in normal mm, you seems to play well sniper, and you have a high win rate with him. Yes he is out of the meta in 6k mmr games. But at your mmr, the meta is soooo different, and the point of dota is to pick what works, not what works in +4k mmr matches.

                                                                              How many games in normal mode are over-dominated by a single pudge, blood seeker, AM, or a dagon necro ? A lot.

                                                                              Pick what works at your level (and dont be counterpicked).

                                                                              ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                                                Do you guys know how OP Sniper is?

                                                                                I even dedicated my name to telling people to not feed him because he's that OP.


                                                                                  I bet everything sniper does riki can do better


                                                                                    "he's good if he gets a lot of farm" describes all heroes, so ... it's a non-descriptor. If you have a huge gold lead on any core you're probably gonna win the game, or at least do very well. It's not a question of "how good are they with 30k net worth" it's a question of "how easy is it to get to 30k net worth with this hero".

                                                                                    personally I think he's garbage. every time I see him picked I giggle. any hero that can close the distance on him will eat him. look at his matchups. spectre just casts haunt and hits him in the face. slark either pounces at him to close the distance or gets in close with shadow blade, which most slark players build. PA just blinks on him and hits him in the face. storm just zips up to him and right clicks him down. brood just waits for him to enter her webs. clockwerk hooks onto him and just insta-gimps him. any hero with a gap closer can kill sniper, because sniper has absolutely no defensive tools. "but I build a shadow blade" gj, you spent 2800 gold to misuse an initiation tool as an escape tool and your whole strategy is countered by a 180 gold item.

                                                                                    if you click through to players' profiles you'll notice that most people defending sniper are NS, most people saying he's garbage are VHS.

                                                                                    but the real of it is: use whatever hero works for you in your games. yeah, sniper is a really shitty hero in theory, but if your strategy is to build a shadow blade and you've never encountered a player that buys dust, then, whatever, keep doing it until it stops working.

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                                                                                    ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                                                      "he's good if he gets a lot of farm" Riki doesn't need a lot of farm, just kills.


                                                                                        Sniper with Phase boots and 2wraithband and 1wraithbandupgrade(forgot the name) is good. built skill pellets3 aim1 range1. for Mid lane. i never succed using sniper if not mid lane. if u wanna compare to clinkz or enchants i prever Sniper coz with take aim and pellets he can do more than 2 hero. but if u wanna compare with riki i just gonna choose riki. but riki is useless if enemy pick BH or Slardar. it shrinked the Riki Pilot mental.


                                                                                          Congratz scraps, you've listed his worst matchups as an argument that he is crap while ignoring his best matchups.
                                                                                          Thing is, not every enemy team has such gap closers, and not every own team is unable to save a hero from them.

                                                                                          As I have already said in a different thread: Counters and synergy picks exist. In every skill bracket.
                                                                                          And yes, even OD is counterable.

                                                                                          Dire Wolf

                                                                                            He's good as a last pick. But so many heroes shit all over him. He is good late if you can get there though. I'd still take a 6 slotted sniper at 60 mins over all but a couple heroes.


                                                                                              he's not good as a last pick because as I said earlier, there are people who do his job but better

                                                                                              i'd rather have a fucking safelane enchant/clinkz

                                                                                              look, why do you pick sniper? because you want a rightclick carry that can shoot away from a safe distance. enchant outranges sniper with her item build lol (lance+aghs) and a clinkz only has a slightly shorter range but makes up with having much higher damage, health and mobility

                                                                                              sniper's ulti is a piece of shit and has 0 synergy with the carry role and his 1st skill while not totally useless is super mediocre


                                                                                                Your itembuild sucks, and spectre will eat you in this meta anyways

                                                                                                Dire Wolf

                                                                                                  I wouldn't really say that, enchantress falls off once people can burst through her heal and untochable, while sniper has that wicked headshot proc, that thing does work once your IAS is high, plus shrapnel actually is very good once maxed, just not as good as before. Clinkz is a very different hero as well, he only has direct single target dmg and no built in disable, nothing that compares to the aoe/dmg/slow of shrapnel and the slow of headshot. But you are right single target wise he should output more dmg. I wonder if people started building clinkz like sniper with s&y and skadi if we'd see more clinkz... it's a thought.


                                                                                                    Sniper is an extremely situational hero. He's shit against some heroes, great against some heroes. Not a huge argument to be had.

                                                                                                    ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                                                                      Sniper is so OP anyways, he can ult people from 100 miles away and get perfect KDAs just by ulting low health enemies.


                                                                                                        Ult is easily disjointed.