General Discussion

General DiscussionHave ya ever embraced the dark side?

Have ya ever embraced the dark side? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    You try to be the gud guy in the game, offering words of wisdom and positive team play. But are there times that you turned into a monster? spewing flames n salt to everyone?

    Honest answers and thoughts of exp pls.


      I find being positive always helps. From time to time i see really stupid shit that pisses me off and I flame really hard for awhile. But I realise that it probably doesn't matter in normal skill and just focus on my own game and return to being positive. Has helped a lot of my games. Saying sorry for flaming is a good way to untilt yourself

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        Just fucking abuse the shit out of them so they know what they are doing is wrong

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          Pale Mannie

            Yesterday i made an undeserved win
            I flamed my 2 teammates really hard because that dp didnt ulted for mid barracks and it had only 1 hit to destroy but noooo she didnt even attacked the barracks and then we both died.
            Called them fucking weebs they should die to weebhaters like me. All because they both had a weeb profile pics and a weeb name.

            Well fuck me

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                every game in solo queue I mute everyone instantly

                Livin' Real Good

                  Yeah, there was a time where I tried being positive, and no matter HOW NICE I WAS EVERY GAME, I never got the same treatment back, so I just gave in and let them know how garbage they were, it's good to let things out. :)


                    I usually don't care, until players start deliberately sabotaging the team.

                    The idiot playing Luna this match wanted a solo lane because "I'm more skilled than you all"....kicking ursa into my jungle. I told Luna that Ursa could jungle, but only if I laned with him and helped him kill DK (because LS counters DK harder than Luna does), but Luna wanted solo lane EXP and spitefully decided to feed couriers and lives, reveal to enemy Ursa's position, etc. The active gold loss was kililing our team so I flamed him in Chinese and English until he left. We still lost, but with Luna gone, team morale improved enough that we managed to actually defend and get comeback gold.

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                      yes i do

                      however times like that are very rare and only occur when im on the largest tilt ever