General Discussion

General DiscussionA Good Carry

A Good Carry in General Discussion

    I'm always the supporter . I mean seriously , just look at the heroes I've played most . Before calibration , I'd always play in games as a carry with no support , every game was like this . The moment I played support , I started winning a lot more . I'm a pretty good damn support , but wow I'm sooooooo borreddd of warding , healing , smoking , sacrificing , and sick of those guys who ping me frantically saying "arc please" . I never knew about what happened in calibration , I thought if you win a lot , your MMR will start higher , now i know i was wrong . And being in the SE-A server in a 2 k MMR bracket , life as a supporter is hell . In short , if the carry sucks , I lose .
    I forgot how to carry properly though . Other than last hits , positioning , and item builds , what do i need to know ?
    And what heroes are best for this meta ? =)


      nice, commas, dude, kappa


        Spectre. Easy to play. Won't get countered in 2k because he has no true hero counter.


          Rip dots,,,,, all hail commas,,,,,


            there is a game i always play with myself when opening a new thread on dbuff, its called "guess OP's skill bracket basing on his post". I always win.
            Whenever someone says smthng like "im quite decent", "im a good player", etc., the answer is always normal skill.


              the meta carries are spectre, sven, od, jugg, slark.
              the keys to be a good carry is efficient time managements and knowledge of your limits, both come with experience. if you want to learn carry, just practice.


                how can u always win? im sure youre cheating ^


                  play a support carry. or play a carry and buy the wards and courier yourself. dont ever trust your team to do it for u. u will only get flamed.


                    Support me pls


                      As a carry you should manage your lane for last hitting near your tower. I think you should always farm carrying a tp. So when your team is going to engage you can help them. I think the best carries in this meta are Spectre, sven, ursa, od.


                        You cannot lone win. EVER. Simple as that.


                          dont listen to triple hes 1k


                            This is the crap I'm talking about , they pick hard carries like Usa and Sniper almost immediately , so i choose a semi carry hero , and we end up losing .. How to hell do i get out of this MMR? T_T

                            Pale Mannie

                              -_- sniper
                              -__- and ursa
                              -___- are not
                              -____- hard
                              -_____- carries


                                @EmperorPenguin you lost cuz you don't know how to play Death Prophet.
                                DP = eziest hero to 1v5 with.

                                Este comentário foi editado

                                  i wont talk about the ideal game where you get 30 mins of free farm.
                                  as a carry, you gotta find space to farm, splitpush, tp for fights, force tps. dont go for spec/sven, because they really need space to farm and dont have a huge impact early. they are really slow. they will rarely hit 250cs/30 mins. you wont survive enough to get items. jug/ursa/slark are better for 2-3,5k. they can fight with 3k worth of items.
                                  look at the clock, and plan your way on the map to get max of farm for that minute. dont be afraid to switch lanes (ex: push off, get ancient + camp, 2 waves mid, clean jungle, push safe, clean jungle again, etc.). if they 5 man push, you push another lane and try to force some tps, or push tower then tp back for fight.

                                  slark is more of the action hero. you can focus more on fights than farm, but still should maintain a high cs.
                                  starting build is stout, 2 branches, tango, salve (or 2 tangos, tango + faerie, tango + mango) -> qb -> poorman shield -> boots.
                                  practice and try to improve farm as much as you can. once you get the "afk farm" part, you will be able to improve your overall playstyle and combine farm with fights. this should be enough to get over 3k.


                                    Play arc warden sir :3


                                      Buy rapier and dagon to secure kills and you will be fine


                                        I carry my team by supporting them.


                                          How to play carry? You should pick some carry and play him few times, while you playing pay attention to last hits and items, way you build them, and try to notice how those differences affect your more carry, do some rampages, enjoy games, be robot, destroy, have fun...


                                            This game isn't just about carry and support.

                                            This match is lost because you have no reliabile initiation while the enemy has both Slardar and Venomancer. I'd probably pick Centaur rather than DP and tell sniper to play safe and fight pudge in mid.


                                              Farm efficiently, know when to help your team, avoid deaths.


                                                "Farm efficiently, know when to help your team, avoid deaths. "

                                                That's the problem. If everyone on the team plays carry and thinks like that, no one can farm efficiently because 4 heroes are trying to split 7 jungle camps, no one wants to initiate, push, or even farm lanes because "I am carry = I don't want to die", and the enemy can push as five without contest.
                                                Even in a 4+ carry team, someone must be willing to die for the team and play below his role for 10-20 minutes. Otherwise, there is no wards (so either one person feeds or no one dares farm in lane), there is no ganking or pushing (because I NEED farm and I can't risk dying), and often there is no initiation or high ground defense (because I can't risk dying, I can't trust my teammates, TPs/smoke/dust/wards are a waste of money, etc.)

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