General Discussion

General DiscussionLooking for Alchemist coach

Looking for Alchemist coach in General Discussion

    Hey I'm complete trash with alchemist but really want to get good with him if anyone wants to coach be that'd be cool


      Unless you're playing position 1, you can delay radiance up to minute 18 or 24 (ideally you want a 12 radiance and a 10 relic but it doesn't always happens); Push the lanes and whenever they're pushed do the jungle. Travels and your ult should give you enough escape posibilities unless they got hard stuns, in which case delay fights and get either a bkb or just raw hp so you can dish out the hits (Manta, Octarine, Silver edge, depends on the game I guess)
      Cuirass is by far your biggest item and you should never avoid it, no matter how greedy your ideal build is.

      Don't die, or don't die without spending unreliable gold is the biggest advice I could give you. Max your Q first, never your E. If no one's doing and stacking your ancient camps, do them yourself.

      edit: i can't coach for shit

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        Im trash at chen and i dont feel this hero so i quit and have success with other heroes. I suggest u do the same.

        Your 0% wr with him gives no hope for improvement.

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          EZ MID 9k mmr

            watch 6k+ chinese mid alchemists


              go mid, harass, jungle, buy radiance, AC, then any situational item


                1. Get the first rune
                2. Bottle
                3. Spam 1st skill