General Discussion

General DiscussionEG Drafting in Major

EG Drafting in Major in General Discussion

    So EG was facing elimination against Team Liquid and EG picks 4 int heroes and Naga Siren.

    Zues, Witch Doctor, Enigma, Dark Seer, and Naga Siren.

    Ok. I am no PROFFESIONAL DOTA PLAYER... But if you are facing elimination in a tournament where each team member can win $200,000+, and you flew all the way to China to play..

    Would you pick 4 fucking int heroes and naga siren who deals no damage in fights with the exception of her radiance ??

    Look at Team Liquid on the other hand. A team who is not as good as EG and doesn't win as much as EG. They picked Ursa. A hero who can actually kill other heroes.

    With a bkb EG's entire line up becomes useless. (with exception of enigma ult)

    I feel like as great as EG is, when it comes to their drafting; they tend to really underestimate their opponents and pick very high risk heroes with out any back up incase their win very early strategy fails.

    EG forgets that when teams face them they have to not only play amazingly, but DRAFT amazingly, cuz their enemies know they are against TI 5 champions so they try hard, and EG responds by picking 4 supports and a Naga siren. (with exception of zues)

    Can someone who is 6k+ MMR explain this strategy ?

    I think its fucking retarded.

    I am only 4.7k so I might not get it. But there are so many better hero strategies EG could've gone with.

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      Totentanz to The King: M ...

        They went Naga hoping for good teamfights. But going Zeus mid with an Enigma jungler is just greedy, not to mention their carry is also greedy as fuck.

        Dune, the Desert Planet

          I think Dotabuffers know more about drafting than PPD.

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            Dune, the Desert Planet

              LD is highly contested hero, Drow is perma banned, Void too I think. It's not like you can just pick a hero. I agree that DS is a bit meh, but it's Universe signature hero. We can discuss, but we will never know what PPD and EG were thinking, but I know that they know better than Mason, you, me or anyone for that matter.


                thwey know less than puppey i guess 4head

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                    @ ?-_-, I know for a fact everyone on EG is much better than I am, EG is my favorite team. What I am trying to point out is that when it comes to drafting, they need to see the match from their opponents perspectives. Their opponents are automatically thinking "ok this is EG we need to play our best, and draft amazingly.", so with that being said, you cannot pick 4 fucking int heroes with a naga siren.

                    No follow up to DS disable, no follow up to enigma ult, no reliable damage outside of zueses spells which is countered by a pipe of insight on enemy team or a bkb on enemy core.

                    That was poor drafting


                    I don't know about you guys but I would not be very afraid of that team, especially if my team has some meta heroes.

                    saving private RTZ

                      Idk why they keep drafting Sven in a 4p1 style.

                      Like common, you don't give win the major by giving ur star mid player Zeus/Nyx/Pugna.

                      I think this Major is 100% on PPD. Not because he played poorly, but i think he drafted poorly, though i may be, and probably am lmao wrong, but thats my opinion.

                      saving private RTZ

                        Also the 2nd draft was nuts, idk, probably massive tilt

                        Dire Wolf

                          yeah I just finished up watching the secret series and they are wasting sumail. Like does he even practice pugna? awful pick, ez ganks. Magnus would've won game probably.

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                              They clearly lost because no PA Kappa.
                              I have a feeling mag PA wouldve been just as useful as that sven ds vs furion PPD was doing tho. At least PA has a built in blink.


                                PPDs drafting was just awful


                                  sigh...i am a fan of EG too...this tournie was really a disappointment......i never ever expected those drafts, esp from PPD.
                                  anyway..we lose, we learn from that and lets hope we take the manila major cup!

                                  Putins Price Hike

                                    the tournament was fixed we all know that. China is shady and Valve wants Dota to be Entertainment like WWE.


                                      naga + jungler is greedy as fuck
                                      bad draft

                                      Miku Plays

                                        I like this team, made secret Shanghai champs

                                        Krazy Kat

                                          PPD always drafts thinking about hero vs. hero. He doesn't think enough about what heroes his team can actually play well. Case in point: their last game at TI4.


                                          Right heroes, wrong players.


                                            They are drafting mostly comfort picks.. Arteezy is by far the best core Naga player..though he used to play mid with Naga.. And if you look at ti5, sumail was always able to hold mid..even if he got ganked, he always came back from a deficit or dodged the ganks.. I do accept ppd is drafting greedily, but they came to the Majors with a preplanned strategy and they are executing it.. And though Seer is not a meta hero Universe is just amazing on Seer.. Its like the Bulldog NP.. He performs.. I think in most games EG drafted really greedy.. Even in that game with Sumail playing Pugna Fear was jungling with his nyx.. IMO they were really greedy..but they came with a plan and its not easy to switch strategy in the middle of a tournament..


                                              Honestly I think EG and OG are the best, they are the most unbeatable, EG just lost cuz of absolutely terrible drafting on PPDs part. He drafts great vs normal teams but when he's against other great teams he panics and picks heroes like he never picked heroes before.

                                              His shittiest drafts were in the most important games


                                                Mayb we should let RTZ draft instead Kappa


                                                  Disclaimer: I'm 0k MMR
                                                  I've seen games at 7k without any STR heroes, but 4 out of those 5 heroes need some real hardcore positioning to come into use and with 2 reliable stuns to initiate, it was pure madness to choose that lineup.

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                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                    eh when they won ppd's drafts look amazing, when they lost they looked terrible, no in between.

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                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                        yeah but he combos very well with sven and enigma and they kept spamming those guys