General Discussion

General DiscussionStuck on 3k bracket(SEA)

Stuck on 3k bracket(SEA) in General Discussion

    SEA is mainly known for 5 carry team(idk about other server)
    Though i mainly play support on ranked
    i legit stuck on 3k bracket
    any tips how to escape the 3k hell? FeelsBadMan

    Low Expectations

      Pick omniknight


        ursa seems to work too, since nobody really sticks nor supports, you can basically just run around the map feeding off heroes


          git gud


            Ursa,axe best for sea I guess. Since they all go carry you pick anti-carry.


              Go offlane LC and profit.

              Why Me?

                lai play with me lets go 4k together! haha


                  for sea just spam ursa, pa or lc. they won't counter u and announce gg wp from the start