General Discussion

General DiscussionStorm Spirit discussion

Storm Spirit discussion in General Discussion
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    Riguma Borusu

      @Kitrak: When you know you're matched against Puck, what item do you go for first? A friend of mine got rekt by a Puck, so I'm wondering, do you go like Euls to remove the silence, Orchid to be more offensive and take puck out or bloodstone to outfarm Puck? Or do you just play ultra carefully?


        Those double standards again... Your lack of experience on support heroes doesn't stop you from commenting in support related topics.

        P.S. Yes, I played Storm Spirit as a support. =)
        I use normal matchmaking for experiments.

        P.P.S. BTW, how many accounts it took you to get to 5k MMR?

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          why does kitrak never reply to me :sad:


            I'm not trying to bash or anything right now but I genuinely want to know what mmr is kitrak at? I see him matched with people from 5.6k all the way to 6.5k so it's hard to tell where he is.


              @bran damj
              Blink and Bloodstone are completely different items for different purposes. IDK why you decided to compare them.

              But if you want to compare mobility provided to Storm by Bloodstone vs Orchid, I don't think tht results will vary a lot. Bloodstone gives 400 mana, Orchid - 325 so the diffrence is the trade off of regen for extra damage and silence.

              Bloodstone may go well if you play with your friends and you all know that you must avoid fights for the first 25 minutes. Even then, I don't believe that everything will be fine with this game plan in current push meta.


                @MVP Salza
                I played vs 7.5k, so I must be 7.5k too. =)

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                  I'm just here to read the comments


                    I hope to never see Storm Spirit in any sort of playable state ever again. He is bar none the least fun hero to play against.


                      OP, Kitrak may be a bit straight, but be humble and take consideration about his words.

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                          If I'm the highest MMR in my team, I play support anyway. It works just as usual.

                          I got it, you are the best... in everything! (c)

                          P.S. I have more than 10 deaths usually when game lasts for ~60 minutes and heroes start to oneshot me or when team AFK in fountain, but I keep defending for the reason of stubbornness. Well... And sometimes I do fuck up as well... I'm human. And I'm 32. My reaction was never the greatest and it's not improving with age.

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                              My understanding tells me that best itembuild for Storm Spirit must start with:
                              1) Bottle
                              2) PT
                              3) Orchid
                              4) Necronomicon
                              5) Bloodstone or any other items you desire

                              I doubt anybody follows this build or will be, but I don't care.

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                                  Double standards... If there was any constructivity in your posts, I missed it completely...

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                                      u must be pretty bad at reading then


                                        great thread. learned a lot. bloodstone = pocket deny. ultimate weapon after rapier

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                                            Oh, so this is what "addressing constructively" means.

                                            I always thought that being costructive is to bring some proves behind your words.
                                            For example: "But if you want to compare mobility provided to Storm by Bloodstone vs Orchid, I don't think tht results will vary a lot. Bloodstone gives 400 mana, Orchid - 325 so the diffrence is the trade off of regen for extra damage and silence."

                                            But you just say whatever you want, like if you are the God, you know everything and always right. At the same time you think that I'm total newb with zero game sense and know nothing.

                                            Constructive it is.

                                            P.S. By sarcastic comment you mean "high skill" spam? That's a new definition for "sarcasm" word as well.

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                                              Kitrak is a boss and soultrap is dumb.

                                              Build necro on storm? what kind of crack are you smoking bruh?

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                                                    Necronomicon gives good stats for storm. 2 minions. 225 magic damage + manaburn. 9 move/attack speed aura. Truesight.

                                                    Good all around utility item. At some point you will need some dusts or gem anyway, why to waste slot on these if you can buy Necronomicon.

                                                    You can deward places which are too dangerous for support to infiltrate and get away alive.

                                                    Necronomicon also helps you to push after a pick-off - this is in general how Storm wins Dota.

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                                                        And what if enemy team kills you with Bloodstone? Orchid gives more mana regen, if you have 0 charges on your Bloodstone.

                                                        P.S. Necro Archer gives 9 move/attack speed aura. 6k player doesn't know that.

                                                        P.P.S. One of the reasons for Storm's "fade away" was the introduction of Glimmer Capes. You just can't kill anything when every support buys this item. So I offer a permanent solution to this - Necro 3.

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                                                            I said "one of"!


                                                              Just stop responding to soultrap its hopeless .

                                                              Nigga cannot accept the truth


                                                                When u realized that this post is about helping another guy with his storm spirit build and not comparing each other's builds (not to offend anyone)


                                                                  It's much harder to die with Bloodstone, like when you try to Silence enemy support, but you don't have Orchid, you have fucking Bloodstone, so he disables you and watches how his team rapes your ass.


                                                                    too much blood. The Flayed Ones drink your blood.


                                                                      BTW, you talked about "absurd amounts" of deaths. I just noticed that you have 6.09 deaths on average, I have 6.61, Dazzle and CM most played, and my account is not a fake like yours.


                                                                        hey i have 400 games 60% winrate on storm, playing him since 2013, tested lots of builds
                                                                        bloodstone on storm is trash, buying manapool for storm is auto lose, storm needs only INT items + mana regen items + damage. storm also need no hp, if you need to survive get eul, bkb or linken but not BS! it's completely useless item, especially in 6.86

                                                                        in 6.86 Storm Spirit have only one useful build, others got highly nerfed and useless now:
                                                                        skillbuild: max remnant then vortex. don't max overload before remnant or vortex. never.

                                                                        at start buy null + 2 fairy + 2 shared tangos.
                                                                        don't play agressive unless you stay mid against trash mid hero like pudge/ember/slark

                                                                        get bottle (don't get soul ring), or skip bottle for fast power treads
                                                                        never buy arcane boots, soul ring or bloodstone on storm. i already said why.
                                                                        storm has awful attack speed at start, with power treads this problem will be solved, they also gives very useful int bonus.
                                                                        you CAN get phase boots if game requires it, i approve that phase boots on storm CAN be useful in some situations.

                                                                        if enemy don't allow you to play rat (save tps, omni/aba spells), farm jungle and get eul then hex
                                                                        if you're useful since early game and succeed at killing solo enemy supports / doing ganks with your team, farm orchid, you must get it before 20:00, i usually get it at 15-17 minute, record is 8. orchid is one of the best items for storm in mid game

                                                                        after buying orchid you have to buy defensive item, depending of enemy items/skills. buy eul against enemy silences, orchids and invoker, buy bkb against tinker/zeus, buy linken against doom, etc. also, if you get raped by riki/disruptor/etc, get force staff! it's very useful on storm, especially when you're on low mana!

                                                                        if enemy can't counter you, if you need no defensive items it means you're already WON the game. in this case i start making and stacking BATTLE FURYS. yea, if you dislike battlefury on storm, you must never tried it, examples:

                                                                        after buying defensive item(s), get your main core item: scythe of vyse. it is must-have for storm in every game

                                                                        and some luxury items for late-game: mkb, desolator, shiva, daedalus
                                                                        always buy REFRESHER as 6 slot if you're not right-click storm. why? 2 vortexes, 2 hexes, 2 shivas, still asking rly?

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                                                                          What's going on in this thread rofl I'm waiting on that last spirit brother to get a little nerf 4Head

                                                                          < blank >

                                                                            Drama about my favourite hero, nice

                                                                            lm ao

                                                                              Such greatness deserves to be shared!

                                                                              < blank >

                                                                                SO much bullshit in this thread, I can't believe


                                                                                  I recommend we all build bloodstone, so we can kill ourselves after reading this thread.

                                                                                  I expect someone will tell me this build is wrong tho


                                                                                    but yeh...arcane-disassemble into bloodstone thing is the way to go atm.

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                                                                                    Livin' Real Good

                                                                                      Yeah for sure, Orchid rush sucks so much now that his zip cost a million mana. Blood stone seems better.


                                                                                        kitrak mercy pls


                                                                                          hey i have 400 games 60% winrate on storm

                                                                                          lolz is this reddit where such stats have relevance?
                                                                                          why not tell us about your top100 dotabuff storm too?


                                                                                            XD more sumail tier NS storm players jumping into the fray,the amount of stupidity in this thread is retardedly high.I don't post that much on this forums but this thread is too kappa to ignore.


                                                                                              It's funny, cuz neither bloodstone 1st or orchid 1st are bad on him in this patch. It all depends who are u playing against.


                                                                                                bloodstone 1st or orchid 1st depends on how well lane is going for me generally


                                                                                                  please, from here on out only answer the questions i posed in the original post, i LITERALLY listed them out.

                                                                                                  twizz -

                                                                                                    as a storm spirit player ican tell you guys the truth. In this patch with storm u have to farm and go for fast bs. You can have it at 14-15min after go for pt orchid linkes shiva and last item can be assault or some dmg item like mkb. In this patch you need a lot of mana for storm. You can gank very well with fast orchid but you cant escape. This is why you need bs and you and your poor support mate gank someone u will get some bs charge and after you can go for solo kill.
                                                                                                    ps.: in lategame you can go for guinso but you lost a lot of atk speed from orchid and atk speed is fucking important.
                                                                                                    my mmr is 5.7k and usually i go for 2-1-2-1 at lv6 4-2-3-2 at 11 and starting with null bottle stick manaboots bs orchid linken shiva

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                                                                                                      why is a 3k mentally damaged moron and a normal skill guy who abuses south africe captain's draft with bots to get absurd stats arguing with a 6k person about something from game

                                                                                                      @kitrak, twizz

                                                                                                      so after all of this, is storm somehow good hero, or he's a gamelosing pick in most matches? when do i pick him?

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