General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy I Quit DoTA – Or – How to Make DoTA Better

Why I Quit DoTA – Or – How to Make DoTA Better in General Discussion

    he's fucking stupid.. Tons of people like him just too stupid to even realize it

    Mid or Feed: your choice

      TripleSteal: But you have time to come here and roll in your own verbal excrement?


        yup, why not, its not very time consuming


          and fun, too


            what u wrote is more of a verbal excrement.

            would u like some random dude to come up to your group of people and start talking about how his wife sux, doesnt wanna give him head and shit?

            i don't think so

            Mid or Feed: your choice

              Triple Steal: Then you have serious mental problems, the kind that you get when you repeatedly assaulted by unknown assailants, the kind that happens when you play DoTA.

              So you are a living example of my argument. Or maybe you are living example that it is actually not the defects in matchmaking and so on but trolls like you that ruin this game.

              Este comentário foi editado
              King of Low Prio

                If you dont like dota dont play dota, this shit isnt hard

                King of Low Prio

                  This wrathofgod kid does not realize he is the only problem

                  Mid or Feed: your choice

                    King of Low Prio: These are suggestions to 'improve' dota, not to denigrate it. If your mental capacity cannot fathom this then don't even come here. I talked about people like you and TripleSteal in my post.

                    Or simply in your own language: if you don't like what i say then don't read it or comment here, this shit isn't hard.


                      thats some rly comfortable point of view, i guess


                        if you have a shirt that is very uncomfortable and it stings when u wear it.
                        you can:
                        a: throw it away like a sane person.
                        b: keep wearing it and rage like a moron.


                          she can't fathom how i split her atoms

                          Mid or Feed: your choice

                            The same applies to you. If you can't even understand what I say then go back to your cocoon. Don't flame here.

                            King of Low Prio

                              Your 'suggestions' are basically I WANT THIS NOW OR I QUIT. Come back to us like a adult and you might get treated like one


                                ok so u don't deny that u are a retard and should stop trying to vent about something noone cares about?


                                  ok u may be not a retard cuz i don wanna insult u, but try to understand other points of view and try to distinguish between accomplishable things and impossible things


                                    i want my government to give back the billions of dollars that they stole from the state through inefficient credits and offshore transfers but that is never going to happen

                                    Este comentário foi editado

                                      ^thats not even a good example. its more like "i want banks to give 0% interest rate credits and stop stealing money from people". the problem here is lack of understanding/knowledge/critical thinking, and not just asking for impossible things.


                                        one leads to another


                                          not really. i mean, your example is smthng like:
                                          "they did smthng bad, i want them to compensate it, but its theorically impossible."

                                          my idea is:
                                          "i think they did smthng bad, but im actually wrong and they did well by choosing the best path out of the possible ones."


                                            I live in richest country of the world, so if Putin wants to steal a couple trillions dollars - let him, it doesn't matter.

                                            Este comentário foi editado
                                            Potato Overlord

                                              OP builds armlet on bristleback
                                              I'm just saying...


                                                fucking retard i mean lack of understanding/knowledge/critical thinking leads to asking for impossible things
                                                not examples smh


                                                  may be, i missssssunderstood you.

                                                  i actually do not know whether this word should have one or two "s", so i made it look like a joke.




                                                      I dont get people defending this shiet system where majority of people have 50% WR. Why isny it 40 for lower players and 60 for higher mmr players? And im talking about solo gaming not stack abusers.

                                                      And i bet u all system defenders that u never saw the matchmaking algorythm, so didnt I. But there are some obvious factors that show some manipulation in the system.

                                                      Este comentário foi editado


                                                        Listen bro.

                                                        You are over speculating.

                                                        Dota 2 is an amazing game and it has been amazing since it was just DotA in Warcraft 3 many years ago.

                                                        Valve does a great job in making sure that DotA is enjoyable. No game on planet earth is perfect , when you play dota you are put with players around your skill level and they are all random. Valve has no control over the toxic noobs you get put with, if they que to find a match, those toxic players have to be put with SOMEONE.

                                                        What should valve do? Not let them play with anyone?

                                                        There are players with 6K/7K/8K Solo MMR because its possible to win alot more than you lose if you are good enough.

                                                        Even if you are put w. Brainless retards. If you understand dota well enough you will outplay your enemies and know how to win. You will have a way higher chance of winning then the enemy team.

                                                        Just gotta get better bro.

                                                        Este comentário foi editado
                                                        Mid or Feed: your choice

                                                          Lex is one of the few rational and intelligent people here.


                                                            cz its more interesting to play in even games, obviously.
                                                            i wouldnt like to have 80% winrate by playing against random people, as well as newbies wouldnt learn anything out of getting stomped in 99 out of 100 of their games.


                                                              the main point of MM system is to make matches where both teams have exactly 50% chance to win initially, and in the same time make the mmr dispertion as low as possible (the more mmr varies, the more weird the games become; and it also has a negative effect on balance).

                                                              Mid or Feed: your choice

                                                                NoCeilings: i am not complaining about losing my friend. I am complaining that in DoTA many games become hell not because we are losing but because we are getting kicked in the butt, because someone in our team are too noobs, someone in their team are too pro, or because the match making was wrong etc.

                                                                I didn't want to denigrate the game. I am posting a new summarized post without the negative tone. check it out.


                                                                  i didnt see the code of MM, but i can give u simple evaluations of the functions that are used, as well as answer any direct questions regarding how MM works, and why it works this way.


                                                                    you can't make this system perfect and i hope you posses the rational thinking skills required to comprehend this


                                                                      they could remove party in solo queue tho that shits retarded


                                                                        there are too many factors that influence one game for better or worse, because it involves 10 people, am i right? or no?

                                                                        Mid or Feed: your choice

                                                                          the point is not to defend the existing thing blindly but trying to find the improvements. mmr cannot be calculated for all heroes. it is different for different heroes. even miracle sucks with some heroes. see my new post, and hopefully it will not lead to flaming but serious discussion.



                                                                              I want to suck like Miracle.


                                                                                you cant separate the mmr for different heroes without giving room to abusers. also, it doesnt make much sense, since mmr is not supposed to directly represent your skill. It only shows how good you are in winning games, which includes your ability to pick heroes you are good with. This number is used by MM system to make the matches fair, and thats it. Of course, ability to win games strongly correlates with skill, and u can have a rough overview of one's skill basing on his mmr, but no more than that.


                                                                                  yes picking is indeed a part of mmr


                                                                                    Looks like he couldn't get out if low prio and now he wants to show his anger, stop being a retard dude

                                                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                                                      I don't get it... why would people not be at 50% win rates or really close? Are you saying you want zero matchmaking where pros get matched against joes? Cus that's how you would get 40% and 60% win rates, only if you are constantly playing people worse or better.

                                                                                      50% on most people means mmr is working.


                                                                                        U have only played a hundred plus more matches than me and have 4 times more abandons, be a good person and don't ruin the experience of others

                                                                                        plz do

                                                                                          wow, this thread is guuuuuut. thanks for sharing some popcorn @faw.

                                                                                          a funk

                                                                                            I do miss these commands sometimes.
                                                                                            -votekick player
                                                                                            Both required a unanimous vote from the team.

                                                                                            When I have more time, maybe I'll read this more thoroughly. I just skimmed some points. Seems very (fecklessly) charged.

                                                                                            Valve doesn't exist for any other reason to make a profit like most any business. They picked up Dotes and icefrog and gave back to him and the community by offering firstly icefrog a job securing the future of dota, and secondly millions over time in potential prizes to those most dedicated to the game. Validating that a hobby can evolve and flourish with the right support. No way would have thought this would happen in the mid 2000s -- it didn't seem viable. I think that knowing the roots is important, that's the only reason I'm mentioning this. Valve didn't have to pick up this game. They saw a great opportunity and capitalized. They don't owe anyone anything.

                                                                                            Have your opinions, express them, but don't expect the world to change. Sometimes it's us who has to change. And that's one of the hardest things to do, in my experience.


                                                                                              IMO they should improve the system.

                                                                                              1) For example being matched with people on losing streaks against people on winning streaks (assuming same mmr). The other team has a greater Chance for the win, cos usually people from the first team tend to tilt after 1st mistake anyone makes. Its not even.

                                                                                              - this situation happens often after big winning streaks. Sysytem see u as Meracle, and expect u to carry 4 trolls

                                                                                              2) Its too ez to be put in hidden pool by getting reported (in 4-5k mmr range u get reported for everything) and be matched with 4 trolls.
                                                                                              Valve is trying to do something about players behaviour, but it doesnt work very well IMO.

                                                                                              3) The "GG" opion. Testing it on unranked might be interesting.


                                                                                                ^^votekick and ff commands greately increase the toxicity of the matches

                                                                                                Este comentário foi editado
                                                                                                plz do

                                                                                                  if u play lobbies, u find the gg button. i guess on faceit, too. why dont u clowns go there and leave the rest of us alone ty


                                                                                                    TripleSteal- 3 minutes ago
                                                                                                    ^^votekick and ff commands greately increase the toxicity of the matches
                                                                                                    This comment was edited 2 minutes ago
                                                                                                    hushhush a few seconds ago
                                                                                                    if u play lobbies, u find the gg button. i guess on faceit, too. why dont u clowns go there and leave the rest of us alone ty
                                                                                                    young moldovan goon

                                                                                                    Este comentário foi editado

                                                                                                      1 s in misunderstood!