General Discussion

General Discussionwhy dont people buy iron talon on spectre

why dont people buy iron talon on spectre in General Discussion

    she cant jungle properly so i think iron talon would speed up her farm by quite a lot. never see people doing it though



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        Nice prank haha but I saw there camera from 8 miles away


          idk perhaps its good, i remember rtz bought it (in that game that they lose badly with zeus veno spec)

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            Riguma Borusu

              It's decent, but not ideal playstyle for spectre, committing to the jungle I mean.


                i mean badman always gets QB so why not just upgrade it its like 250 gold or somehting

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                  Riguma Borusu

                    he buys a ton of cheap items and runs out of slots early, stout shield and quelling blade go away really fast, sometimes he upgrades to pms and keeps it for a while, but that's about it


                      not sure

                      i just feel like sometimes the games kinda slow and u wnana be able to clear the wave and rotate to the jungle, without talon its unbearable to jungle as spectre

                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                        Desolate working on creeps makes jungle reasonably quick anyway.

                        a funk
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                          SANITY = ECLIPSED

                            ^ pls dont talk about jungling reasonably quick as spectre, thats not funny. And if you are jungling with this hero you are playing her wrong, you should static farm, not push lane and switch to jungle.


                              normal skill sub 50% winrate guy dropping knowledge bombs

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                              SANITY = ECLIPSED

                                If you are losing your lane you just get exp, and then earn your gold with early ganks, not rotate to jungle.


                                  its a must have item if you having bad time in lane and falling behind, you can come back into a game so easy by farming jungles

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                                  a funk
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                                      sorry for being mean but why do you think that your advice has any value for someone who has like three times more mmr than you

                                      a funk
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                                          seriously spec is such easy hero to make a comeback with... there was times when i was about 3 death and like ~ 20 last hits by 10 min then by about 30 min mark im top net worth hero. I mean obviously i had to thank my team mates for warding and helping but still shows how easy to make a comeback on him

                                          get a talon, farm jungle, haunt when shit is kicking off get kills / assists and back to farming...repeat

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                                          lm ao

                                            pls stop playing spec guys

                                            Riguma Borusu

                                              I'm really hoping people who have a 10 game lose streak on the hero stop picking it in games when they're on my team :(

                                              lm ao

                                                no im actually hoping all spectre spammers die a violent and painful death

                                                Miku Plays

                                                  iron talon is just a bad item, it needs to have a higher bonus dmg imo

                                                  Riguma Borusu

                                                    Iron Talon's kinda broken as fuck actually. That's why it's all over the competitive.