General Discussion

General Discussionhow can i improve my skills in dota? and how can i handle team mates ...

how can i improve my skills in dota? and how can i handle team mates that not listening or just helping. in General Discussion

    hello guys! :) need help on how can i improve my dota skills? and my #1 problem is when my team mates in game are too hard headed. not listening and not helping, all they do is do what they want. how can i handle this problem guys? :( i know there's a lot of good players and pro in dota 2 here. hope they can help me :) thanks!


      please just browse forums and find 50 other thousand posts that ask the same question. or wait to see if one of the "gud" players here will actually post something to help.
      best of luck!


        Google that shit, its the game vs Cloud9.. I can't youtube link cos I'm at work and it's blocked :)


          ^lol, posted on wrong thread


            fuck man, well that's the answer to ur the question in ur rubick thread lmao

            [off topic alert]

            Este comentário foi editado

              or wait to see if one of the "pro" players here will actually post something to help.


                try to get your wiggle on more.


         here is a post full of you asian scrubs asking the same shit this week


                    the fact that there are a bunch of threads about the same thing is ... weak. admittedly.

                    but they also show that we have more people coming into the forum, which is great. we shouldn't be immediately salting these players every time these threads come up.

                    this article is pretty decent:

                    try reading that.

                    Bad Intentions

                      Yo OP, hey listen man, youve just got to focus on being effective. Be that player who can consistently have high game impact in the team. The key is consistency man, just always be that and in one way or another youll atleast get to vhs. Add me up so I can also spy on ur gamez :]

                      LOW PRIO BOY MUNGGO

                        Eat Sleep Play dota KEEP THAT ROUTINE. So that you can be a good player xDD haha rofl.


                          @scraps or other Mod
                          Can someone just create a thread and stick it to the main page about how to get better? I mean, there are plenty of good guides out there, but people keep coming here and posting the same stuff. I wasn't meaning to be rude, but I think it would be great to have a thread that dealt with this stuff.
                          Thread Ideas:
                          1. DotABuff guide on how to get Better (wouldn't really even have to be a guide - could post links to other guides)
                          2. Add an Experienced Player (->For those like Bad Intentions who are willing to talk 1-on-1 with new players: They would post and get added as a friend on steam)
                          3. Pubstompers of the Metta (so people stop asking for "what hero do I abuse to get out of my bracket?")


                            ^also there should be a brief insight into bracket system, calibration mechanics, hidden mmr, a short "how to predict ur own mmr" guide, and sone other stuff that would answer 90% of identical threads on dbuff