General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy Morphling?

Why Morphling? in General Discussion

    i played him these last few solo and party mm games of mine to try and figure out why people pick him/her/it. I still dont know why

    U are all dogshit

      Split pusher with a bigger single target presence than ember spirit, although not as good a split pusher as ember.

      Riguma Borusu

        escape survive hit hard split push

        I've noticed that in competitive play people mostly let him do his own thing and freefarm because they can't really kill him.

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          I am the only one saving my ulty to use it on enemy carry? :D

          I love having a strong illusion to help me manfight...

          Or just to make an illusion of a hero that has AC, drums or some shit...


            @road to oblivion
            what is your mmr brotha? I read you here alot


              @road to oblivion
              no offense bro. cause i see your ranked games are in normal skill. you should be stomping with the amount of knowledge you have


                he's fucking strong
                finally a patch in which i can spam morph


                  ^^just remember relentless for a second
                  this game doesnt work the way u think, sadly for theorycrafters

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                    relentless played with pros in dota 1, he must be good /s


                      why are you comparing me to relentless wall of texts? i wrote 2 lines

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                        I really like Morphling but unfortunately I'm terrible at him. But I have been wondering, why is he now considered a decent carry when in the last few patches he was fairly bad? Is it only because of the morph buff? Because it feels like a pretty massive buff to me but I'd like to hear what someone who's actually good at morph thinks.

                        Also any advice on how not to be bad at morphling would be appreciated :P


                          Cuz of Illidan who reached 8k with morph. People began to understand that it's strong hero.


                            it was not meant to refer to your comment; i didnt even see it when writing my one tbh


                              ill write here tomorrown when im not tired/lazy


                                looking forward to ur thesis sunris


                                  I hereby summon relentless to blow OP away with his game knowledge


                                    Relentless is a meme