General Discussion

General DiscussionABADDON

ABADDON in General Discussion
Boundless Strike in Gaben...

    so what's the deal with this guy? is he being under utilised in the support role?

    something must be countering him and hard...why isnt he picked more? his ulti seems easy enough to work around but a good aba would have good positioning with respect to his team mates in a fight

    he also makes for one really badass carry but since he has no flash farming potential all his items would be pretty late game

    what bout the recent spec build thats being going around? i reckon the urn drums combo would work on him but then spec goes onto her agi items...what's aba going to make? vlads fine and then? some str build maybe..halberd possibly? i for one make solar crest and vlad as core then onto rad

    how does this sound phase-->aquila-->vlads--->solar crest--->halberd maybe sny if you can get it under 20

    apart from the silver edge initiation on him and then stun/silence so that he doesn't actively activate his ulti are there any other hero or tactical counters?

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      Melee defensive support, thats all i have to say


        any slow with long duration - he cant get away while he pops his ult

        As long as he is a support with strong teamfight presense u can use it to your advantage by picking aoe heroes like warlock with golems and aoe slow or Enigma.

        AM - mana burn, blink, basher

        meepo - lockdown with net

        Some mana burn heroes, with slow like - OD with rod of atos


          he doesnt do much as safelane support, but hes perfectly fine for any kind of agro dual or trilane, both as core and as supp


            Use silver edge. Problem done.

            Riguma Borusu

              BTW the SnY -> Skadi build is kinda way too "selfish", probably still go for Arcanes (if you're the greaves builder in your team, otherwise all boots work on abaddon, phase to chase people down and have a ridiculous ms advantage, tranquils if you're playing from the back and just casting spells and are just kinda poor and need to regain health after casting mist coil that you've skilled over your passive, treads if you're going for the right click build which is mostly silly and to give you some extra mana through switching and if you're going for the 'max q' build (which is kinda bad) it gives you a greater HP pool to work with, though arcanes are good even if you aren't going for greaves, if you don't have enough mana sustain for pushes, etc) into Vlads/Drums/AC, whatever hasn't been picked yet pretty much, you're a fine Solar Crest holder though it's situational, and you can get HH against hard hitting cores, pretty much if you have no idea what to build just go the build outlined above, get mek as well if you're the greaves carrier and the game should be kinda over by the time you complete your AC, if not before that, prioritize pipe against heroes who can counter your push with tons of magical damage, get it straight after vlads. Basically the rule of playing Abaddon is "nobody dies" or you fucked up, but you know, people are people and we all fuck up sometimes.

              But because of your sustain you just stack up auras on this guy, survive throughout every fight, save teammates that dive like retards and make sure to push a ton early. He's pretty strong as a farming core in deathball strats cause he gets his auras that much quicker and can push very early but can also support and just focus on saving people with his skill set while farmers go for similar items either way.

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                anything that can save idiots is pretty good

                though i feel like aba is a bit greedy on levels and doesnt do that much on lanes until a bit later on (unless you skill passive, shield, go oov and rightclick enemy carry)


                  all silver edge does is disable the passive activation. aba can still manually activate it i believe.


                    pick him offlane core or offlane support

                    A. Snatcher

                      This dude plays him as a carry and averages 600gpm/xpm nearly every game. Always goes Silver Edge, EoS, Radiance.

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                      Riguma Borusu

                        ^is that radiance rushed?


                          I play him sometimes, he's very good. Good vs Bane, Mirana, Pudge, all long stuns, Magnus too...

                          You can pop ulty while stunned and remove the stun btw.


                            ooff lane or omni offlane ez +1k mmr


                              ez -25