General Discussion

General DiscussionCheck my game I need help

Check my game I need help in General Discussion

    I played a 3 game losing streak today at 3.2k mmr. I dont know what to do in order to win because of these retarded teammates (See matches for proof) like when I picked sd to supp then a retard spec got madness and jugg went agha too late into the game to make use of the cd reduction, then the next game the spec uses haunt only once every 10 mins and he farms painfully slow then in the third game I played slardar as pos4 but the mid shaker just got killed everytime It is like mmr is a game of luck on who will get non-retard teammates.

    King of Low Prio

      Ranked MM 21 42.86%

      retarded smurfs


        smurf retard


          Small sample size and did u even look in my games. the madness on spectre is really retarded and do u even realize that I played support most of my lost ranked games

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            Problem is that when u play bad, enemies feel/see that and immediately use that for their own advantage, so in a long period of time you will fall to your original mmr.

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              @ Lex ty for the advice but my main is 3.9k how will i fall to that, I thing that if my team continues to be like this(I cant get over the MoM spectre) I will probably switch back to my main(I use this acct to try making my 2 accts the same mmr and see if i have improved)


                if you are so good at 3.9k, spam the hero that got you there and eventually you will reach there. you know blaming it all on retarded teammates don't work shit because that's not what you can control.


                  you're not 3.9k, you didn't even hit very high skill in any of your games. just a 2k retard who desperately wants to be 3k lol




                      I'm not even smurfing and I hit very high skill, just a dotA 1 player who follows skill and item builds. it's not the team it's you. get better and you will win but not before you drop back down to your 2k trash.


                        First you have to realize it is never your team mates unless they literally do nothing but feed couriers and run down mid. Always look for ways to improve yourself blaming the shitties will get you no where mate.