General Discussion

General DiscussionYour stand against smurfs? Has it changed?

Your stand against smurfs? Has it changed? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    When do you think its ok? Is it still preferable to go through the ranks? or try to get a high one and learn from the upper ranks?

    Is it really cheating the system? or is it more of a drive to have better teammates and just simply enjoy the game more?



      what do you mean?


        well i tried using smurfs its fun i have 7 5k accounts on smurf... but nothing beats you main account the one you started with! The one where u used to be called noob! dumb or stupid! That's the account that matters coz once you get stronger on your main account and work your way up the ladder you become satisfied with yourself coz you did it... smurfing is fun but the feeling you get isn't the same as playing on your main account the one you spent endless hours at night grinding that MMR! like for instance just now I won using jug on ranked..

        got 954 gpm and 1007 xpm...

        mr lizard

          this is my first smurf, i think if you select the option "I played dota 2 before" its not cheating the system. Also games on smurf accounts tend to be fast paced and less toxic, because these games are not ranked. I would say that the lack of communication forces you to "try to win in you own the game", its a good and bad mentality because at same time you go 100% thinking I need to carry this game, it also put a lot of pressure on you.

          People always say that your smurf will get you to the mmr you deserve (aka close to you main account mmr) however i think that playing on my smurf is way more fun.


            smurfstories on normal skill


              never understood why ppl whine bout smurf, u can do w/e the fuck u want tbh


                smurfing is retarded when you do it to increase your mmr.

                smurfing is fine if a high mmr >aka anything above ranked calibratiion< aka 5k+ smurfs to have a second account to play on for whatever reason.

                People who smurf to increase their mmr are people I mislike very highly. Unintelligent poeple.


                  i need smurfs which i can sell for the easy money (well not so easy anymore fuk u valvo)

                  suc a lil weiner

                    Its only bad if you keep hitting normal skill bracket games on your new accounts kapparino


                      :D <3 <3 smurfs are love smurfs are life

                      smurfs are money


                        Over-calibrated smurfs will ruin about 1 in 5 ranked games for people between 3.5-4.5k. you just have to hope they aren't on your team.

                        Last ranked game i played my friend 3k, and me 4k, got paired against a team who's highest mmr was TBD. the TBD guy fed like crazy and regardless of what his teammates had done they would have lost.


                        This time it was ez +25, but when this happens and you lose, its quite annoying.


                          I am kinda confused. Which one was feeding like crazy? I didnt see how the match went so I couldn't tell. By the end all of them died 7-10 times.

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                            slardar was. he fed a ton early and assuming his mmr was equal to mine, he was a "4.2k" player who honestly doesn't deserve 3k. the deaths on his teammates came as a result of his feeding.


                              I suggest we petition to ban "Kamishiro Rize" from DotA for 24 hours. It is because of people like him that the Mango has a low win rate.


                                I started to smurf out of curiosity, then I realised playing with better people help you learn the game to some extent, and before I knew it, I calibrated 4.5k for both party and solo, and here I am, sticking still to my smurf instead of main.

                                : >

                                But I don't play much of Doto anyways, barely managed to break @ 100 games on ranked on this account.

                                Ofc, I won't abandon my main, but I don't feel like going back and playing solo ranked there yet.

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                                  i love smurfs cz they let me win more games and terefore have positive impact on my mmr