General Discussion

General DiscussionHavent seen Brewmaster in ages, whats up with him?

Havent seen Brewmaster in ages, whats up with him? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    Have you? Why is he one of the least picked heroes now?


      His ult has way to long of a CD


        and hes useless without it

        Livin' Real Good



            He's still relatively decent,gets picked sometimes in pro games

            Livin' Real Good

              He still gets picked, was picked just now in EG vs Vega. He got nerfed little by little in patches in the past, but the past 3 patches, he's gotten nothing but buffs, and if this keeps up, well see him in no time. :D

              I like using him against omni, ever since he got that AOE dispel buff, he's been so good against omni in a team fight. I love seeing his teams faces when they realize omni knight's ult is over before it even started, and have them start running. LOL


                Ult cast point long enough for a lot of spells to counter it e.g. cold snap


                  he's actually pretty good again so you will probably see more of him soon

                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                    He is actually totally fine without the ulti. A very good brawler and initiator, evasion makes him really tanky and he still does decent damage. More people should just build him around Drunken Brawler I think.