General Discussion

General DiscussionUnfair Bots

Unfair Bots in General Discussion

    Now I know bots and people are totally different but I've also heard bot matches are a good way to practice mid laning. I'm just curious if I can win an unfair bot matches easily and reliably as mid does that actually mean anything or does that mean I've only just got the basics down?


      winning unfair bots easily puts u at about 2k minimum i think


        2300-2500 if u win bots maybe


          they are just too predictable


            and you should mid at least against viper bot or some shit, cuz bots come mid with tide/some weak shit sometimes


              Their decision making is terrible, but their gold and xp advantage + impossibly consistent chain stunning makes it so you gotta stay on your guard. Also your bot team will intentionally throw and just randomly back out of fights. Actually that last part tends to be true with regular dota too.


                i think ive lost to CK bot like 10+ times i think what a hero


                  No, going mid is actually the easiest way to win bots...not that that's saying much. You should just go to a lane with another carry hero, so you can improve your last hitting by trying while both getting harrased by the enemy bots and competing in last hits with the surprisingly competent bot companion when it comes to getting the last hits.

                  Pom Pom 🍕

                    Don't go mid when practicing bots (they almost ignore your harassment there for some reason), they're better in duolanes, which also lets you practice having a useless duolane partner too.

                    Bot games usually are a lot the same. They go 2-1-2 for 15-ish min, then start grouping up as 5 and pushing a random lane like some deathball-tryhards.

                    They're very bad at reacting to splitpushing because of all that 5manning too. And also tend to stack up close to each other when pushing, which makes it a lot easier to hit 5-man aoe spells. (So it's actually an awful way to practice heroes like mag, shaker, enigma, kunkka, etc. Since the bots basically hand you the perfect initiations without your effort).

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                    Riguma Borusu

                      Legion Commander is impossible to play against unfair bots if they have heroes with hex or some instant cast shit, they'll always, literally always, disable you before you can do anything.


                        If you don't put unfair bots on your team it is a good challenge. My biggest problem is that hard bots and unfair bots actually cheat, and that means your calculations will be wrong, which makes it bad practice.

                        But practicing last hitting versus bots is good, just don't take advantage of their stupidity, especially when it comes to runes, they always walk to the runes and let you harass them and die.

                        Riguma Borusu

                          Actually Gerry, when you put unfair bots on your team, they have the extra feature that they start throwing and feeding if you're doing well.


                            Oh, I always put medium bots on my team so they all end up going on a feeding frenzy, it makes carrying them more like a pub game :)

                            Riguma Borusu

                              Believe me, unfair bots are gonna feed even more, they are literally compensating for the 'unfairness', they are not unfair only in general, but also to YOU.

                              Livin' Real Good

                                I thought unfair bots were equal to 1.5K, weird. Viper bought and Chaos Knight were always scary to me when I first started Dota and playing on unfair, that reality rift move gets you, you're instantly dead from a group of bots who constantly 5 man.


                                  I played a couple of bots games recently and it feels like the ai has been tweaked. Am sure they never took the bounty runes before.