General Discussion

General DiscussionSuggestions for improving my builds?

Suggestions for improving my builds? in General Discussion

    Can anyone look at some of my last games and then give me advice on where I can learn to do a proper build.

    I use the ingame builds.

    bum farto

      Didn't I do this for you last time you posted here and you proceeded to defend your poor decisions and told me I was being negative or some shit. specific, which hero?


        zeus build bad, look at my last zeus game. try that and you will win every zeus game. lel


          can also get refresh not octarine


            I'm not sure i remember that mate. Been away from the game and only getting used to it.

            I can't really be specific I mean any hero and where do I learn general sense of what items to buy instead of following guides.


              Thanks for that zeus build I will look at that.


                also don't play zeus to kill steal, ult at the start of a fight.

                acc buyers in my team

                  hell no


                    nah i remember him too from his avatar. the problem with idiots asking for help is that every single one of them doesn't fucking listen and then they keep asking for more help a few weeks later because it doesn't get through to them.

                    stop building deso on razor. with some exceptions, most items that are good on razor are ones that make him tankier because you need to be relatively close to people to continue draining their attack and hitting them with your ultimate.

                    examples are aquila, drum, mek, sange and yasha, aghs, bkb, aghanims, assauilt cuirass, heart and butterfly. rarer items would be halberd, crimson guard, skadi, satanic and shiva's guard. refresher orb is the exception to this rule.

                    desolator sucks on razor because all it does is provide damage. there are other items that will increase your damage, but also increase your survivability. increasing survivability also indirectly increases damage too, since you can proc unstable current more before dying plus making it take longer for the enemy to kill you will mean that they stay in your ultimate for longer.

                    aghanims is a close costing item to desolator but is far better as the item does more - reducing the strike interval means more damage and more armour reduction. desolator does damage and reduces armour, but provides 0 hp or armour. deso also works on buildings while your ultimate normally wouldn't, but with aghs, it does. so it does what desolator does and also provides more HP.

                    as well as that, an uncompleted aghanims is far more useful than the mithril hammers for desolator. point booster - more HP, more survivability, plus more mana which is helpful especially if you have a mekansm. ogre club's 10 str is 190 extra HP too. i'd rather have both these items than 2 mithril hammers giving me 48 attack damage.

                    blade mail is shit on weaver you're not planning on tanking damage. you're planning on avoiding it with shukuchi and linkens. if you can't, then get shit like bkb against nukes/stuns, butterfly against attacks, or skadi/heart for both or if bkb doesn't work e.g. laguna blade. dragon lance is similar in cost to blade mail and more useful too.

                    alternatively you just go glass cannon and try to kill whoever's causing you problems before they can do anything with a daedelus.

                    get blink on lion, you don't need a dagon. your ultimate provides more burst. lion's specialty is in disabling targets. blink allows you to do that more effectively since your spells have low cast range, plus blink is instant and so is hex. if you get a blink your team is going to do more damage than the damage a dagon 1 provides because the person you've initiated on can't use spells or items for 6 seconds.

                    aghs is also a luxury item that you're going to have trouble completing as a support, plus you're 1k mmr so that means you can't farm for shit, so get cheaper items that provide game-changing impact at a lower cost. a point booster and a ogre (2200g) does nothing. the extra hp means fuck all because as a support you're still going to die in 2 seconds to the enemy carry, 400 extra HP or not.

                    instead of a half-completed aghs, there are several items in it's price range that could change the outcome of a game. a blink would let you escape, if you already have blink, force staff might too. ghost scepter delays your death by 4 seconds which is far more than what that extra HP would do, giving you time to get off your spells before you die. euls also delays your death forcing the enemy to focus on someone else or give your team time to back you up, and can also give you time for a damaged blink dagger to come off cooldown. same with glimmer cape, and you can also use it to protect allies. positioning and utility is far more important on supports than having more stats, and is probably why you die so much, because your positioning sucls.

                    if you're poor and can't afford a blink, get aether lens or force staff so you can stun and hex people from further away. hell, even using a glimmer cape as a ghetto 4s shadow blade would work too.

                    also get a magic wand every game. you're 1k so you don't know when it'd be better to skip it, so you'd be far better off getting it every game than skipping it every game. it's good for more stats and a full wand is insanely cost effective for HP and mana. 17 charges is 255 HP, 4 str is 76 HP. That's 330 HP from a 500g item. Compare that to shit like bracer that retard supports buy. 6 str = 114 HP, and on top of that you're also getting mana.

                    that extra surprise HP can also be used to bait players into diving you so that you can get return kills, extra mana to cast a spell that gets you a kill et cetera.


                      zeus ulting at the start of the fight gives vision for you and your team, and cancels blink daggers. doing it at the end of a fight just provides damage, while doing it at the start makes your decision making process easier - because you know where all the enemies are, you know who's furthest from their team and safest to go on, and you know their blinks are cancelled so they can't initiate/counter initiate

                      Abe Blinkin

                        I have played about 350 weaver matches almost all ranked. I detest malesturm. (or however you spell it.) if you can last hit, which shouldn't be hard if you last hit time with the double shot, it's not nearly as good as other items.)

                        1. Don't play weaver vs Zeus / always 4-5th pick weaver / don't pick if you have others going invis. gem games are a pain usually unless you are experienced.

                        90% my build goes as follows Ring of Aquila, Tangos to start.

                        Pair with a decent support and go hard at Level 4 once you get swarm. (Undying tombstone / swarm = ez kills very often.) Invis damage, swarm, double hit, tombstone, they run swarm keeps reducing armor they die fast.

                        Treads / Reggea boots into travels after linkens if it's very necessary.

                        UD again works well for an aggressive fast tower, after send support to help other lanes while you free farm safely.

                        After treads straight to linkens / 20 minutes is the time you need this by.

                        Crystalis (for crits)


                        Switch these pending the need almost always crit first but if they have high armor deso first.

                        Finish Daedolus

                        Next do whatever is needed ie' Travel upgrade from treads / help with support items / Maybe even heart or radiance.

                        Other tips. Remember to use invis to disjoint spells ie' Sven stun sound go invis.... nada. Skywrath sucks because his you cant disjoint.
                        Weaver vs pudge is EZ Weaver vs slardar can suck

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                          if you click there is a trending guide for each hero, follow its skillbuild/item build. anyone can get to 2k skill level within a day as long as you discard your mistaken understandings of the game and just try to mimic their item and skillbuilds

                          since u have me added i can answer you there too

                          ^fredj a 6k weaver mainer goes maelstrom consistently

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                                Awesome stuff guys, thanks for those tips on the heroes. I shall get to work on changing my builds. Think I am going to create my own based on the points made. A lot of important points also regarding my play with Razor, Lion and Weaver.

                                I will also point out that yes I may have been on here before asking for advice but this does not mean I have not listened. I took a break from the game for a long time and since coming back a lot has been different and I have had to adjust a lot.

                                So no I am not one of those retards. I actually understand a lot about this game. But understanding and doing are two different things completely. It's about confidence and focus along with practice in my eyes.

                                I have ritsu as support and he will help me. I am lucky to have someone who is interested in helping me out as I would seriously like to better at this game. It's just knowing how to put all this into action with some sort of action plan and I will be starting with last hitting practice.

                                Thanks again guys.


                                  Any pointers on how to go about getting better at this game would be helpful also. Practicing last hitting and then some map awareness is all I am aware of right now apart from my builds, there is much more to learn after that.


                                    i think that people's solo mmr should be somehow visible on first sight (like different colors) so people can ignore the normal skill's gameplay advices without wasting time

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                                      i think that if you play some core heroes with flashfarm ability and learn how to farm you'll instantly go up by like 1k at least


                                        you're like any other 1k retard. you just have to accept that. that doesn't mean you can't improve but distancing yourself from those players because you think they're beneath you means that you think you're better than them which you're not. just because you have knowledge of the game but can't put it into practice doesn't make you better. that just means that your teammates have better mechanical skills to make up for their lack of game knowledge.

                                        once you accept that you're the one at fault for losing your games and not your teammates then you can actually objectively look at your games and see how your mistakes, and only yours, are costing you games and what you can do to prevent those same mistakes happening.

                                        noticing your teammates mistakes doesn't help you win your next games because you're probably never going to be matched with them again, so how does telling your teammate what to do, or what not to do help you win your next games? it doesn't. realising your own mistakes and then not making the same mistakes again helps you win future games.

                                        Dire Wolf

                                          your razor build is shit item wise and talent point wise. You don't need to max current, a value point at 3 is plenty, and some don't even spec it til everything else is done. Also you sometimes max link over plasma field, it depends on your matchup, what lane you are in etc. But definitely having 2 or 3 in link by 6 or 7 is pretty important, then you just run down people using attack and clicking to move during backswing.

                                          Desolator sucks on razor as others have said. S&y, aghs, refresher, win game. If you want to be a right click razor, which isn't as good but it's still doable, go butterfly or ac, then moon shard and pulverize people with link dmg.


                                            Yea I have accepted the fact I am shite at this game and I want to get much better.

                                            Thanks for those words of wisdom though Androgynous.

                                            That Razor build sounds interesting so it does.
                                            I must create that in my build list also. Thanks for the pointers also.

                                            acc buyers in my team

                                              who the hell is ritsu


                                                yea that last zeus build is hideous man.. xD

                                                this 我叫肖恩,哈哈 guy is right, he uses a pretty similar zeus build to me. veil of discord is pretty much core.

                                                "also don't play zeus to kill steal, ult at the start of a fight." - this is kinda true, ult at the start of the fight to cancel blink daggers etc.. but you are free to ks with your "w". i do actually try to get a few kill steals in early/mid game. yea ur team might complain, but when you end up 2/3 levels above ur enemies and ur snowballing hard ur gonna win the game for them.