General Discussion

General DiscussionSilencer mid !!!

Silencer mid !!! in General Discussion
Flying Donkey

    Greetings everyone,

    What do you think about Silencer on the mid lane ?
    With the new changes to arcane curse i find him very powerful in mid, late game.


      he was good 10 months ago also! now even better! possibly


        i still play him with the 0 4 4 1 build
        dragon lance and skadi are very good on him now

        Dire Wolf

          He's so easy to gank, rare to see him mid. I think he'd be a liability right now with how many early fight stunner types are picked right now plus all the roaming supports and pudges.

          King of Low Prio

            lots of good mid heroes are easy to gank

            Dire Wolf

              True but silencer has no recourse cus he has no burst dmg. If you gank sf he can turn and double raze and kill the support if he's not blown up during the stun. If you gank zeus he has a ton of burst as well. If you gank silencer he just dots you and dies. You *might* die to a last word combo after he's finished.

              Also he doesn't have flash farm abilities if he gets behind.

              I'm not saying he's awful but I don't think he's as good as other mids.


                eh,i feel like silencer is purely situational depending on the matchup he's facing in mid

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                  Tablut Master

                    Situational but he can really shut down some mids. Ember vs Silencer for example = brb jungling

                    Dire Wolf

                      He's amazing vs any team with really good armor too cus of his pure dmg. I melted as dk vs a mid silencer once.

                      Livin' Real Good

                        Eh, don't like it.

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                          Shadow blade silencer a lot of fun.

                          Flying Donkey

                            Yes his early game and laning isn't good at all, that's why i said mid and late game.
                            The new change to curse is that penalty adds 4 seconds duration to it for every spell you cast while you are cursed.

                            Imagine what he does against spaming heroes like sf, qop, storm, ember, skywrath, bristle, weaver, zeus. :)

                            About his fun time with shadow blade take a look at this game.


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