General Discussion

General Discussionparty and solo mix

party and solo mix in General Discussion

    It really is stupid that games are put together mixing party and solo mmr. you're almsot guaranteed an unbalanced game. sure it balances out in the long run (my party mmr is 1400 lower than my solo mmr) but just let 2-stacks queue with 3-stacks. their games wouldn't be any more unbalanced than they are now.


      i only play 2 stack and playing with 3 stack is fucking cancerous every single time


        i only play pub dota and playing pub dota is fucking cancerous every single time :)


          if i play soloq i have a nice atmosphere usually
          the atmosphere is what u make out of it. however, if the 3 gays just suck each others dicks u cant create atmosphere

          Paid actor

            Thats true, i completly agree. All of my friends r pretty low on mmr so basically my party mmr is pretty lower compared to my solo mmr. And since its kind of frustrating to play seriously on party mmr since they actually suck, i dont bother that much and might not be serious, and its unfair to those solo mmr dudes who try rly hard to win the game while i might go mid warlock with basher/diffusal XD.


            and the list goes on, its more like a challange on how to be as useless as possible without feeding couriers. So basically ur starting items should be "shivas guard recipe" that takes all the gold xD.


              i was taking the piss with the pub dota comment - i find most games enjoyable - especially in the mornings - i always found the key is to not play when the kiddies will be. i.e. bank holidays, weekends, after school.