General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat's more important for you? FPS vs Ping

What's more important for you? FPS vs Ping in General Discussion

    Would you rather have 45-50 FPS during fights and 60+ FPS when you farm the map and 30-50 ping, or 80 average FPS in fights and about 100MS ping?

    I find it amazing how players like Wagamama, Envy and Arteezy still perform amazingly well with 110+ pings when they play on US/EU servers.


      ping ofc


        I don't know, it seems that bad FPS actually affects input delay aswell. Or at least this is how it seems to me.


          the first one ofc
          if you consider 45-50 fps during fights as "bad" then i'm jelly since i have like 10


            nothing wrong with 100ms


              i wish i had 300 fps


                or at least 120

                Holy Roman Empire

                  OP Both your options are actually horribly good. U should make it like 10 fps 10 ping or 300 fps 400 ping to matter at least. And I would choose lower fps for lower ping. Tried both ping is way more important.

                  ✪ H o p e - ! !  ✪

                    I would prefer ping ofc since the delay is horrible at high ping. P.S I get 250 avg ping :P


                      fuck ping.. the thing is packet loss i can play with 200ms ping with 0.5 sec delay only
                      since reborn came out the only good thing is that ping is reduced on all servers for me...
                      fps droped from 140-160 to 100-90 and after some 30min period fps stuck at 50 and drops to 35ish in teamfights.. that sucks for reborn.
                      ping 50ms stable afterall


                        I still find it amazing how pro players perform amazing with 100+ ping on different regions.

                        I would chose ping over FPS, but it would be best if you can have both.

                        the realm's delight

                          i cant play with more than 100 ping. anything below that is k
                          i cant play with less than 85 fps

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                            saving private RTZ

                              Heh i am playind dota on my laptop with like 30-40 fps dropping to 20.

                              I have a gaming PC for CSGO, fallout, gta and other games but idk i al too lazy to install dota

                              Dire Wolf

                                45 fps is certainly not enough to impact your performance. Anyone who says they can tell the difference over 100 is bullshitting you. The only time you might notice is watching sports or something.

                                I don't think 100 ping is noticeably different from ~50 either.



                                  fps doesnt matter as long as it is above 50


                                    I would rather have low ping than high FPS. I played for years on 15FPS, so I'm used to low FPS.


                                      In my opinion 50 vs 100 FPS is noticable difference.

                                      Same goes for 50 vs 100 ping. It's just that some people have beter tolerance for worse.

                                      Atm I have Phenom II X4 at @ 3.7 with 4gigs of RAM and HD5770 1GB GDDR5, I average about 45-50 FPS, and when I farm map I get about 65-80.

                                      When I had i5-2500K on 4.5k I had about 80 for my lowest and caped 110 for highest(could go higher, i just didnt want to).


                                        Also I have to agree that better ping is more important, and that as long as its about 50, you'll be fine.

                                        It gets bad when it gets @ below 40 in team fights tho.

                                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                          Look at all these rich fellas with their fancy internet and well-made computers.

                                          Pale Mannie

                                            I'd like ∞ FPS since my ping is always 30-60


                                              there's a noticeable difference between 50 and 100, be it fps or ping.

                                              id rather have lower ping but having 1 without another is annoying.


                                                im runnin on 144 fps with 23ms ping, seems pretty enjoyable, tho i seem to notice the slightest change in fps mostly.


                                                  Look at all these rich fellas with their fancy internet and well-made computers.


                                                    ping, 20ms is ok, i'd rage when it rises to 100ms occasionally, and i would want to punch those fuckers who fucking fucked with the connection by downloading shit tonnes of shits right in the middle of a teamfight making my ping skyrocket to 3000ms


                                                      till 100 its still somewhat playable, sucks when it goes above that :-/


                                                        Ping is ok up to 100 where you notice it and 150 where it starts to impact the game severely.
                                                        FPS you'll do fine anywhere above 20.


                                                          "ping, 20ms is ok, i'd rage when it rises to 100ms occasionally" Rofl, I'm here to tell you that 100 ping is okay


                                                            not when you need to last hit. it fucks up the timing big time.


                                                              61 fps on my 60 Hz monitor with 60 ping. Would rather play higher ping than unstable frames.

                                                              Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                Ping up to 50 is fine, 50-90 barable and beyond that I'm tilting.

                                                                FPS ~80 fine, 40 is OK, sub 40 I go beat up a random homeless guy cause I'm tilted.

                                                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                  100 ping is totally fine guys, you just need to be used to it. Obviously if you play with 20 all the time 100 will be high but if you constantly play with 100 it's totally fine.


                                                                    Soon I will have time to finish my video about 1080p, 1440p and 4k gaming explaining how Fps, Gsync and input lag and many other things in dota actually work from a technical point of view taking into account the human and enviromental factors.
                                                                    This is really needed in the gaming comunity because this is truly something that 99.999999999999999999% of the people playing just simply doesnt understand.

                                                                    But then again you sort of have to work for valve and or nvidia plus be the biggest nerd ever and possibly have a psychological/cognitive science degree to even begin to grasp the fundamental basics.

                                                                    lm ao

                                                                      What a silly question rofl

                                                                      lm ao

                                                                        Ive played 60 games on 200 ping USW on a smurf and I have 60% winarte


                                                                          i put video render at 40% to increase FPS and choose low ping.