General Discussion

General DiscussionUrsa: Srs question regarding Roshan

Ursa: Srs question regarding Roshan in General Discussion

    When I do play Ursa, its safe lane and Lately I'm too afraid to try to snipe roshan unless we win a teamfight or there is a stalemate top lane. I know aegis is a huge deal, but playing carry ursa, if I die to roshan, that's also a huge deal and I often don't have Roshan wards that early when I plan on killing him.

    My honest question is, should I be more risky and just try to go for it and hope they don't check? Or play it safe like I am now and wait for a safe opening. (5k bracket)

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        Sometimes if I die I just immediately smoke rosh when I respawn and that works often. You can't just go do it after you've been in lane though. Just stay off the map a lot I guess


          @ Positive : because I am safe lane farmer, they notice within about ~20-30 seconds if I'm off map and someone checks. With the prevalence of shit like invoker/clock/pudge/etc. it's very easy to get owned in there. Especially because an early roshan costs about half of your HP.

          @ Mek : As above, because I safe lane carry the ursa, they notice immediately when I leave map, regardless of whether they saw me go in or not. (When I do take Roshan, I usually blink in from fog)

          Pale Mannie

            Smoke roshs everyday


              Opinion of 6k friend = get something like lvl 7-8 so u can kill it safely /even by the time they come and disturb you, you are full hp and can just ignore them and finish rs with enrage. Also u can't take objectives with a very early rosh so its not worth the risk


                ^ You say to kill him at level 7/8 but its not worth it early.... Level 7/8 is early..? But I guess you answer my question to not ninja it.


                  I don't even know how to kill rosh in 4k+ bracket on my smurf. I've been trying to do it, but it seems like regardless of smoke and positioning they realise somehow I'm doing it and I get rekt.

                  I guess I just suck. XD


                    well since u can do rosh as ursa by level 4/5 i assumed that was that benchmark.
                    anyway im assuming by 7/8 ure gna have phase mask of death and maybe some laning stuff like oov pms with like 1k gold stashed in so after rosh you can get dagger then just get objectives and stuff with it.


                      don't go for it immediately after you respond - that's super obvious - well maybe go for it if the enemy seem dumb.

                      also don't go for it close to when runes spawn.

                      there's usually only a couple of heroes that it is a major problem if they catch you so just make sure they are on the map.

                      can be useful to jungle for a couple of minutes before roshing so they get used to you missing - or appear on safe lane then tp bot out of sight.

                      its probably obvious but remember your ulti is a global sound.


                        Really? Didn't know that, lol. Thanks. So when I use ult, enemy hear that? o.o

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                          ^ not sure about it but in general, sounds and visual effects are pretty buggy so i'd rather be very careful


                            Well I know that if pudge eats someone you'll hear it for sure.


                              pudge ult sound is fixed global, that's a feature
                              but there's a lot of other crap that interacts in a weird way, i saw several threads about this on devdota but i can't find them now

                              saving private RTZ

                                This is a myth. Ursa's ulti SHOULD not be global.


                                  your post doesn't make sense.

                                  if it is a myth, then ursa's ulti isn't global but your second sentence says it should not be global implying that it is global.

                                  i am confused. it was definitely global a few patches back whether intended or not.

                                  saving private RTZ

                                    Tested it. Its inconsistent.
                                    usually i cant hear it without seeing ursa directly. But sometimes it seems it goes through maybe FoW. Maybe it is not global but it has a radius and goes through FoW.

                                    I have no idea. Gamepedia doesn't offer anything on this


                                      Why wouldnt you be able to to take objectives? Like theres no reason what so ever to think that.
                                      Ursa that soloes rosh is strong enough to do 1v2 trade and use aegis, then just push with your team while theyre dead.

                                      You just need to like, you know, use a keyboard and tell people to gather.


                                        randomed ursa, went woods, had vlads at min 8 and the enemy fucked me over 2 times while i tried to fuckin rosh ,ez smokes


                                          Go take jungle farm for a while with a ward up by rosh, and watch as they waste their time trying to counter your rosh. Then smoke into rosh and take him.


                                            so do you mean rosh at level 4-5 and take objectives using the aegis?


                                              what u do is get team to go pressure lane while u rosh


                                                u can go rosh at 3 or 4 level with ursa with iron shit and mask

                                                people start checking rosh when ursa is 5 or 6 lvl at 5k+

                                                also try to time or delay ur rosh so u avoid rune spawn while u rosh

                                                and since rosh is buffed some kite techniques needed for 3 lvl rosh.
                                                but its ezzzzzz

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                                                  If you are going for an early rosh, aim for around 5 or 7 mins seeing as he gets buffed at 4 and 8mins.

                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                    Actually they check it at 3k too, just depends on how anal the supports are. Cms and lions and other roaming supports love checking rosh pit, so it doesn't really matter if you lane or not.

                                                    Honestly just tell your mid you are going to go do it and ask him to keep an eye out, usually you plus your mid can turn a rosh check into a gank.

                                                    Being in lane and suddenly not is a huge red flag. Maybe you can intentionally take a bunch of dmg, act like you are going back to fountain but really get a smoke and a heal pot on the courier, go rosh. Or you just take off to jungle, rotate someone else in, have your supports accidentally say in general damn ursa stop jungling and come back to lane.