General Discussion

General DiscussionIs my MMR legitimate now?

Is my MMR legitimate now? in General Discussion
King of Low Prio

    Yea I never learned the sit in trees and let the team carry me strat.

    Riguma Borusu

      I have a friend who is exactly like that ^ except that's her mentality when playing a core as well, she can go QoP mid and you know she won't accomplish anything at any point.

      King of Low Prio

        she should buy a account

        Riguma Borusu

          yeah rofl she calibrated @ 1200 MMR and deserves it, it's so sad


            I would put all useless retards at that mmr, so they learn how to be usefull if they want to climb back.

            acc buyers in my team

              Since mid 4k - mid 5k is so infalted and full of griefers, acc buyers, boosters etc. i would say that u need around 150-200matches to actually drop a lot. I made an experiment with a 1.3k UA player. He played on my account and had a hard time losing mmr, he actually gained 174mmr when playing at first before losing mmr, which he slowly dropped into 3.4k.

              Este comentário foi editado

                This is my core account (pretty shitty stats, I admit). I created a new one because I felt like I am not in the right rank - I have seen the mistakes my teammates were making every game and knew I wouldn't make these.
                My new account ( got into VHS pretty quickly and I think I fit there - I don't generally get outplayed, even though I make mistakes sometimes (forgetting I actually own Mek as I am not used to it and so on).

                I decided to play supports mostly on this new account as they, to me, seem to impact the game a bit more early on, but even in the VHS I am getting pretty pissed off as a support - my carries can't last hit properly, aren't clearing stacks and play ultra-agressive, which is something I wished to not see ever again.
                So tell me, what do I do - shift towards carry/mid position and play in 0 support games (because that's what happens when I don't pick one myself) or try to stick to supports, maybe find more impactfull ones?

                If so, which ones do you suggest?
                I like Sand King (can farm jungle if lane is shit, decent disable) and Earthshaker, but any else? Silencer seems pretty good too.


                  Purely by the way I think Sniper mid is a very legit option now. I don't really know which changes made him stronger (nerfs to SF and others?), but my build (Phase boots + Deso first) seems to work extremely well, providing enormous amount of damage. The transition into lategame carry is a bit rough (I usually have to sell Deso at some point and get Daedalus for serious damage), but it's managable.

                  Dragon Lance seems a bit odd - it doesn't add that much range, I build it a bit more for the +10 strength.

                  Grilled Chicken

                    If u are good at supports at this rank then go for supports ! Just fucking win the game ! I dint get why u'd ask if u belong there ! Play for fun dude


                      This is fairly easy to understand. If everyone around you is playing well, you also tend to do well. So your MMR can be easily maintained. Only the climbing part is challenging.



                        VERY WELL SAID BROTHER!

                        true you would need to play for fun and that makes the game a whole lot entertaining..i calibrated @ 1k mmr for christ sake it was so shitty and now i am slowly climbng up on solo and party..i have improved my mmr for more than a thousand now and i hope to improve make matters worst i am playing on the dreaded sea server

                        Paid actor

                          This is the same case as some1 cheating a test and then start shitting about how gr8 he is, jesus christ i honestly wouldnt have the courage to even do such a thing let alone startin a thread which passes any kind of decency and at any point aint moraly fit.

                          I fckin feel ashamed to pick voker now which i rly enjoy to play simple coz we all know its some op shit right now, so i just dont pick him, same as i did with storm/leshrac last patch coz it feels like i might inflate my mmr, And then this fuckin douchbag shows up and proudly claims to have bought a fckin account which is 1K over his mmr and that he fckin deserves to be there. HOLY SHIT!