General Discussion

General DiscussionHow does 1 win with intense feeding

How does 1 win with intense feeding in General Discussion

    in the past 8 games of solo Q all im getting is instense feeding on my team. and no you can't pull off I'm just shit bullshit its my mmr, my games are genuinely fucking trash with feeding

    for example my last game oracle 0/13 with a last pick of am that was useless

    in my spectre match i get a Necrophos that manages to go 1/15

    in my slark game a get another Necrophos who somehow manages to die 14 times followed by his friend who were in a party together at 11 deaths

    in another arc game i get a 1/11 bb 0/10 jaricko 4/11 Death P and a last pick void that does nothing.

    and another game with an 6/20 OD, 3/16 lion

    And you cant say I'm doing bad i am averaging 3/4 deaths compared to the rest and getting the most hero damage done in all my games. I just cannot keep up with the feeding done by the others

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    King of Low Prio

      play to win rather than play for stats.

      my team was complete trash forcing me to take crazy risks and itemize sub optimally just to make up for their constant screw ups. My stats in the end sucked but I basically carried the team to a win that was going downhill fast.

      You are playing poorly, dota is a team game and the fact that you are accomplishing nothing while the other team focuses down your teammates. I was playing with some low MMR friends last night and one of the worst mistakes I always see them do is TP while in vision of the opponents when backing telling the other team they have a easy 4v5 fight. The shit player will think to himself 'omg why did my teammates get picked off why are they so bad' when in reality your poor play (showing a TP out) gave the other team a opening to punish your teammates for your mistake.

      Riguma Borusu

        How can you let your teammate die 15 times? Next time they are (confidently) trying to kill him, be close and countergank.


          like.. what is np's death going to mean after 10th death in a row
          you get barely any xp and gold if you kill np that's 8 levels below you

          Riguma Borusu

            ^That's a bad example though, NP's death is significant in a sense that he's off the map and can't pressure lanes.



              Do it like this. 0-27, fed max couriers - still won anyway. Forced win courtesy of Valve matching system.


                they arent confidently killing them ever


                  Dude! I even gave them all our wards n' all the tp and dusts I could afford. didn't even know there was a cap on couriers

                  but yeah you can only get like 30 couriers and then its blocked this is "how to win with intense feeding"

                  Dire Wolf

                    don't pick heroes like spectre, arc warden and nature's prophet. They can't really fight early and help your team. NP and arc almost avoid fghts to split sometimes. Pick easy early game heroes and tp in to back your team up like wraith king, good stun, tanky as shit, vamp aura. Or jug, healing ward, magic immune, good dmg early.


                      I've done more fighting in any of my team with arc warden! that's why I have the most hero damage in the team if not the game with him, but its just the fact that we're getting stomped in 30 minutes losing rax in 20-25m this has occured in the multiple games and I cant stop it

                      saint leon

                        you can stop it
                        stop blaming your team m8

                        saint leon

                          YOU CAN WIN,
                          JUST DO IT


                            Call GG and wait until next game, when the feeders are in the other team?


                              Can you change their behavior? Yes, but probably not because you like many other dota players don't have the people skills to know how to communicate and produce a positive result. So the best you can do is focus on how to maximize your own play and stop wasting your brainpower complaining about your teammates.


                                ^hell no, it is all dota 2 players' duty to flame the other players as soon as they fuck up with every single degrading and insulting remarks, which are required to involve their families, friends and ancestors or even the entire race and species.


                                Dire Wolf

                                  ok maybe I'm wrong on arc, but he's squishy and a split pusher, doesn't seem to be an early game hero even if you have good results.

                                  Nothing Unexpected

                                    Play CARRY Abaddon, litteral free mmr fam.

                                    King of Low Prio

                                      It is really easy to score kills early with arc warden


                                        This game is trash and toxic as fuck



                                          well 2 games in a row this time i get more fucking pinoy fucks


                                            Play heroes that can destroy buildings alone and make space for himself. TB/Lycan


                                              apparently we're in the same boat XD

                                              the lc and drow is the same guy.

                                              another one
                                              oh and i suck too.


                                                expect I'm getting the players from your server :C, and all the feeders in those game were se Asia players soo who know


                                                  You will get your winning streak period and you won't say anything. You will get another loss streak and you will start making posts like this again... Just focus on yourself with lots of games there will be a balance between the idiots you get in your team and in the other one. In the end the only one who can make a difference is you.


                                                    ^i got a winstreak and posted on dotabuff. XdXd


                                                      This post is nearly 2 days old still getting feeders


                                                        as long as you maintain your own performance to be above that of the other players, you'll win more than you lose. it's good to rant about games where you think your teammates are complete deadweight and lose, but then you just gotta forget about it and move on to the next one. there's always something you could've done better

                                                        eg: i was the slark

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                                                          ? when i get it for 2 days straight hmm i pisses you off



                                                            Fucking russians guys, those 3 feeders were all russians, fuck them.

                                                            Von Darkmoor

                                                              You pick kärry everything game stop playing kärry you obviously dont kärry anyways and just flames (i assume ) play support or a support that can transition or a tanky semiCarry with tower potential Dk, Viper etc preferbly solomid and adapt it to ratting or a Rat hero.

                                                              Or just pick Huskar OP broken and ask for dazzle support.


                                                                You expect him to be a better mid then the other "mids" in his bracket?

                                                                Unless you are lower MMR then you deserve, you should lose ~50% of your games whatever you do. If you are higher then you deserve, expect to lose more then you win.


                                                                  i have/had 60% wr in the past 3 months I dont belong in the bracket i preform perfectly fine at 3-4k with 70% winrate

                                                                  Concrete Angel

                                                                    my tip: dont play in the sea server lol
                                                                    btw, here's how u win a game with feeders, its arc warden tho. 13k swing right there


                                                                      ^ um I'm pretty much playing in SE Asia due the fact they all play in Australia


                                                               my entire team was from SE ASIA, can clearly see why we lost!

                                                                        Concrete Angel

                                                                          ^thats what im talkin about, 70% se asian player got no attitude & brain somehow, even when im se asian too. I cant afford to play on different server, lag af. i just dont get it y would they messing aroud in mmr matches, and im curious what is dota report for lol, its just useless.



                                                                            plz do

                                                                              i feed every game and i am still better than normal skill lolz game isnt hard just dumb


                                                                                1:feed all game
                                                                                2:smoke gank kill enemy carry
                                                                                3:instantly win game

                                                                                Thanks to this thread for easy mmr: