General Discussion

General DiscussionInvoker Dota

Invoker Dota in General Discussion

    Despite nerfs to alacrity Invoker is currently at 55% winrate and 41% pickrate for 5k + games.


      That nerf/rescale is really disheartening to play around, though.

      Can we/you look and confirm that major contribution to that higher win rate actually belongs to Quas+Wex Invoker now?


        every shit player now plays invoker even players at 5.5k mmr that play support only or offlane heroes , now pick invoker and suck balls cause they think they can play this hero



          "now pick invoker and suck balls cause they think they can play this hero"

          good self criticism over here

          Mr. Furryhentai

            invoker is aids

            Pale Mannie

              Still better aids than Sniper


                Invoker was and still is fuckiing broken, and it's not just cause of alacrity. Alacrity just made it so bad Invokers would rape lane vs anyone. Now that's not nec. the case anymore.

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                    It's really easy to get good at invoker. Just play him in DotA Imba where he gets like a 5s cd Invoke at level 1 and 0s cd with Aghs. Couple hours and you'll be on your way to spamming invoker to 5k.

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                        The OP thing about voker is this: you can spam invoker and first pick him in every pub game and you will be fine, you will not be countered and you will farm, cause voker can play mid, off, safe, even support or jungle.