General Discussion


EARTH SPIRIT IN CM MODE in General Discussion

    Regarding the latest patch of Earth Spirit in CM mode, What are your thoughts about this?

    Specially to the cry babies who got rekt by Earth Spirit since it was first released now still getting rekt in the latest patch.


      fun hero

      Pale Mannie

        Nerf Spirit

        waku waku

          now that you need scepter to pull ally heroes i'm happy with him since he doesnt counter pudge


            Totally balanced hero,100% pure balance


              The nerf imo was huge.

              Yeah, he's still playable but the gayest thing about the old es was that you could do so much with virtually no items. Pull was a huge thing for his utility.

              Livin' Real Good

                I was gonna learn him until that pull nerf, I wanted to be the bad ass with huge teammate saving impact early and mid game, and now that's gone, welp back to practicing Meepo in bot games till he's ready for pubs, then ranked. :P

                Este comentário foi editado

                  Try using meepo on Pub matches not on bot, it will boost your skills in learning that hero, that's where i start practicin' then decided to watch more and more replays of miracle, w33, esp. Singsing's meepo.


                    Meepo is extremely situational. He can be countered by many heroes (especially ember or sven) so keep in mind to pick him last.

                    BRENNA SPARXXX

                      Earth spirit 4 ez life
                      Ebola Spirit 4 ez feed ty


                        but... i pick meepo whether there's an sven or ember can still rekt. :(

                        Pale Mannie

                          Aether Lens buffed him


                            Aether Lens does absolutely nothing for Earth Spirit, please stop talking bullshit. The hero is completely balanced in my opinion because there are countless ways to get rid of his ultimate and if you know how to play around him it's easy to counter.


                              but...but... Noobs can't counter Earth Spirit then they blame "This hero is so Imbalance" *cri

                              Pom Pom 🍕

                                Purging his ultimate made him close to balanced. He can't solokill as easily as he used to, but his amount of utility (slow, stun and silence in the same kit), cast ranges and overall great stats still makes him a really strong hero. Just takes a little more skill and some more dependence on your team to do damage for you.

                                Aether lens doesn't sound that great on him, since his skills already have enormous range. Better get a veil if you want extra damage. It can maybe be good with aghanim though, since it increases your ally pull range. But again a force staff would push them farther than aether lens would increase pull. And force staff also has more utility in general.

                                Pale Mannie

                                  Then Aether Lens doesnt buffed him ok i got it


                                    Hero is still strong. The only difference is if you rape and Earth Spirit team early he's not gonna have defensive capabilities for his team mates. If Earth Spirit team wins early he's just like the old Earth Spirit.

                                    Aghs is way to broken, and now he get his old pull back so /s

                                    Heros still broken.

                                    Groundcontrol to Major Tom

                                      Atleast in my 4.0-4.2k bracket this hero seems to be instaloss, maybe i met really bad players that haven´t practiced it enough, but they were just aweful and would cost their team the game with feeding - missing every rock roll cause not doing it in fog etc. IDK if they nerfed the ult too, but it felt really weak in my games.