General Discussion

General DiscussionThe PROfessionals

The PROfessionals in General Discussion

    Do you have a favourite play, juke, interview, etc. videos of the pro players? Any video of your favourite Professional matches? You can post them here.

    Request: Please try to post one video in one comment. Try not to flood or spam; two or three videos per day are enough from one person. Keep it tidy.

    Thank you.



        Dendi Triple Rampage in Pub

        Skip to 3:54:

        the realm's delight

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            that moment where mushi with sf on radiant blew up weaver chasing him
            no idea where it was though (which TI)


              Oh, and who can forget this classic:


              IT'S A DISASTAHH!!!

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                Originally from @Arin (Thank you)
                What makes it more especial is it's Burning on Weaver



                    Riguma Borusu

                      This makes my day every time I see it, it's so brilliant.


                        When Ferrari killed Brood with his TA having no detection


                          probablly the play or ti3 tongfu vs navi BibleThump


                            ^ Originally from person above:

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                              The original XBOCT multi Rapier

                              NaVi vs Mouz TI3:

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                              yung griphook

                                anytime Arise plays Mag




                                    LGD vs. Team Secret

                                    First blood at 5.22 of the match by Puppey, 0-6 at 6.15 courtesy Puppey's Chen

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                                      One word for this following clip: Enjoy.

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                                        For the old timers, merlini zeus triple kill


                                          ^ Many people won't understand what happened in following clip


                                            Not this clip....I am referring to the 1 at top tower during early laning stage.


                                              ^Can't find that one. This one is from an official match. If you find it, link it here. Cheers.


                                                Sing and Donger streams.


                                                  Eff. Why. F-GOD.


                                                    One of the best thread


                                                      "Where are the TPs? FATA- does not have a TP. Envy, also, I don't think has a TP. NO ONE HAS A TP."

                                                      (HA HA HA!)


                                                        The One Million $ Dream Carl




                                                            When Kuroky trolled XBOCT with the Rapier. And, XBOCT typed "Report Lion" in an official match, Star Ladder 5. Old Na`Vi days.



                                                              The merlini triple kill i referring to.


                                                                A very recent interview with Dendi. He has really interesting things to say about DotA mechanics and patch changes. He doesn't like things simplified. He want it difficult. Becauae, when things are simplified, skills matter less. You would really like this interview. That Windranger example echoes with what many of us think.


                                                                  He'll kill you.
                                                                  He'll kill your friends.
                                                                  He'll kill your family.

                                                                  saving private RTZ

                                                                    Bulldog orgasm winning TI3, search for TI3 last moments or smth(multicam edition).

                                                                    SFZ vs C9 game 3 hours 20 min game

                                                                    Burning vs Team Secret anti-mage game at TI5.

                                                                    Empire Vs LGD at TI5 both games honestly, especially the second game when Empire wins the fight bottom with silent killing solo 3 heroes with the cleave and Tobi yells " manly dota".

                                                                    Link them for me please pluto


                                                                      Multi-cam Alliance ti3 moment is already up there.

                                                                      Burning vs. Secret

                                                                      Empire vs. LGD


                                                                        UM can we get that puppey chen first blood on zai wisp with the harpy ?


                                                                          ^ Clip 3.

                                                                          saving private RTZ

                                                                            Put the sfz vs c9 here as well. I prefer the one posted on NoobfromUA youtube account


                                                                              I will. Rule is: at most two clips from one person per day so thread doesn't get flooded. Cheers.


                                                                                CDEC.Agressif Ti5 QOP Grand Final Game 2, 10-0 PoV kills.


                                                                                  Dendi sweating hiss ass off in the Allstargame TI5 :))


                                                                                    Top 5 plays from IceIceIce. The dream of offlane plays.


                                                                                      Top 5 plays from fy

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                                                                                          ^ It's not a post. It's my child. Zzz.

                                                                                          BurNIng on Anti-Mage (two years ago)


                                                                                            Arise Arise Arise Best Magnus ever!

                                                                                            yung griphook

                                                                                              how about the dendi puppey fountain hooks? one of the funniest cheese combos ever


                                                                                                Shanghai Major, the bestatch of group stage: OG vs. LGD, match 2


                                                                                                  Dendi Magnus comeback at TI5.


                                                                                                    the xboct 1v4 was the greatest play i have ever seen,i literally pogchamped and i didnt even know dota back then lmao