General Discussion

General DiscussionAre college/university just a waste of time?

Are college/university just a waste of time? in General Discussion
Sexo Meister

    Because all they did right to the point where im reaching my bachelor degree's last year was asking for money money money money.

    Its gotten to the point where i just wanna quit doing this shit and go to work.

    Cus asking for another $200 after paying $535 JUST for the last year is just fucked up

    I am on engineering course, and i wish i had just chosen art cus this is as pointless as art school

    Edit: i mean the acceptance fee, like enterqnce fee

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      have u tried painting happy little trees instead.

      Sexo Meister


        Everyday dude, everyday


          can't really give you my thoughts on this since I'm 15 lol

          Win Yo Fagot

            some time i wish i was a girl so i could be a prostitute ez money ez life
            fuck school fuc college fuck u too

            Sexo Meister

              @win yo fogit

              Ye i wish i was a fukboi
              2big2get fooked i guess m8

              D the Superior
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                  just study hard ebnough and go on scholarships, ezzzzz life

                  Sexo Meister


                    Yes, cus asian dad said i need to at least be this qualified to be a part of my family, but im starting to think this has gone to shit


                    I dun like tryharding in life.

                    Also scholarship is a joke since there is just gonna be a genius from birth snatching all my hardwork and get the scholarship

                    Sexo Meister

                      Also i learned NOTHING from university, i literally learned everything by myself. The lecturs were shit compared to online studying


                        hows a scholarship a joke, I worked hard through HS, so now I get a free ride at my uni of choice and dont have to work. Theres no "genius" from birth, its all hardwork, but oh well if you dont want that then hf


                          i took 1 yr of uni, then just joined a railway instead.

                          now i make 140k/yr

                          u decide

                          Sexo Meister


                            Dude, i tryhard once, but some jew took the scholarship, same when i was a kid at school, some chinese genius would just win all the "best mark in *insert subject*" medal, and i was getting all the A+ marks in science,history,art and maths


                            So work > go for degree?


                              I have completed both a diploma and a bachelors degree. I cannot honestly say that either has helped me get a job. I also remember barely anything from all my courses and even if I got a job in my field of study, I highly doubt that I would be applying what I learnt on a day to day basis. Every place has their own way of doing things and you will be expected to adapt to that.

                              Here's the catch 22 though; to get the job you need experience, and no degree is gonna give you that, but in order to advance in your position and earn better money you need both the qualifications and the experience. You decide what your end goal is, but do not be fooled into thinking that you will just land a job because you are qualified. Its tough out here in the real world mang.


                                YeaH its a wAste of time! Bill Gates dropped out of uni and look where he is now duude!


                                  Ur Just Anotger Brick in the Wall


                                    Doing Software Engineering Bachelor, almost final year. What I feel now is most part of coding you can just master it through online search and the rest is just project management stuff. Feel bad taking it now.


                                      I'm about to finish architecture in a few months and this is makin' me sad uguu :C

                                      Livin' Real Good

                                        College experience is the shit, girls everywhere in their prime, young 20's memories, and more. But I definitely think college overcharges you, it's not even worth it, you DO NOT NEED COLLEGE to be successful or "have a good life" like all those people tell in high school. You also don't need to get "lucky" or be a gifted genius to be successful without college either.

                                        If anything, you don't learn ANYTHING from college, the only thing most people remember after college was the experience of college. Post graduate depression is VERY common among alumni. Just look at my sister, she graduated after 4 year of the university of Santa Barbara, and then started getting depression after like a lot of students, cause it gives you that feeling of " What's next for me, am I suppose to just join the work force, and live a normal life now? and just pretend all those friendships, parties, sex, or whatever didn't happen in college?" Yup, that's pretty much it. So my sister literally went back to school, but this time went to school in China, it's ridiculous, but you're never too old for college or any type of school, so power to her I guess. Too bad she has my mom paying alot of her college bills.

                                        Don't let a little piece of paper (degree) determine your self worth. Even though times are changing, and some people are saying college is starting to be more and more needed on applications for a lot of jobs now, I don't really believe it, you can still find a good job, it's just that most people aren't willing to work hard or look hard enough, and expect to be handed an amazing job as a famous persons body guard and stuff cause they're "special."

                                        I didn't go to college, jobs I worked so far, Vons super market, Club Empire Night Club (got payed a shit load), and at the house of blues. Had tons of contacts, was pretty popular, until I became a low life shut in who never leaves his house that is. :)

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                                        Chairman Mao

                                          Why is this being asked on dotabuff?

                                          waku waku

                                            It's a good way to spend time, but not a waste of it. As long as you don't struggle too much.

                                            Sexo Meister


                                              Hmm noted.


                                                a college degree will greatly increase your chances of getting a good job/good life >IF< you are smart/specialized enough to do one of the more difficult areas.

                                                otherwise it's just a fancy piece of paper that gets you a job at starbucks.

                                                but the catch is, if you're smart, you could probably get a job somewhere else that pays just as much. or maybe i just got lucky idk, but i don't think university is necessary. im getting into investing my money so i can retire early, but you could do things like that too.

                                                just save your money and shit.

                                                y'know be SMART YE

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                                                      waku waku

                                                        what's an associate degree? is it a college one?

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                                                              Just putting it out there, go ask this to a counselor or someone who actually knows his shit. The dotabuff forum isn't exactly the best place to get future advice


                                                                I cant stop laughing at your avatar Marlan :))))


                                                                  i thought that engineering is one of the best things to study right now
                                                                  at least here, in middle europe for sure. dunno about rest of the world

                                                                  the realm's delight

                                                                    good thing my dads a ceo so ill just work for him if i ever have to lolz gl plebs

                                                                    whiskey waters

                                                                      depends what u wanna be; doctor, lawyer, engineer = need college
                                                                      rest = scam


                                                                        same thing everywhere, just having an engineering degree(mechanical, civil, something good not fucking agricultural) is gonna give you a very good beginning salary and shit


                                                                          It depends on the school. I'm telling you, I graduated from the best engineering school in Norway in one of the toughest disciplines and it is literally SHIT. I got depressed right before starting to write my master thesis after having approved every course ever and even spamming myself with extra courses while in 4th year because I couldn't believe that after having done NOTHING, they would hand me over the degree I dreamed about since I was 15; and one of the top reasons I chose it was because of the difficulty, supposedly the most difficult shhit ever!!! Anyways, just so you know what it did it to me: feeling worthless after spending so much time on nothing, (even moving back to Norway after having an easy, challenging and fun path in SA)I trashed my first thesis by never contacting my advisor and finishing that shit 3 days before deadline with no sleep just because I'm of the mentality "I finish what I start" and I needed to remind myself how shitty it was (can be found on the net); obviously failed. First time ever in my life but I felt I needed it to move forward and be better, second time I felt so F depressed and anxious about my previous actions that after working regularly and solving and doing the shiit I had to, I couldn't write down a single page.. Took a year off after that... Now finished, and I can tell you: College is SHHIT, but at least in a good college the degree is worth something! If you're going to study in a trash college, for me every college that is not tier 1 you better make damn sure you only get A's for it to mean something or you're wasting your time! Work on the side, get exp, consider yourself trash and work your ass off, college is feasible even with little time, for stupid HR that means more even if you're fuccking stupid or worthless as long as you have references and the degree!!

                                                                          Conclusion, go to college, but be aware that it's worth shit, keep it challenging by working on the side and having less time for it, take extra courses!! Experience even if shit is worth more, HR is fuccking retarded and they care about quantity, do a good job and you'll get an ez job with the references, even if you're not capable because the degree backs you up.

                                                                          Tldr, Yes to college, make sure to only get A's in < "tier 1" college, if not it's worth shhit. +work +extra courses!!!!!

                                                                          I'm Out!


                                                                            Extra info: the job I got now was thx to a contact, my degree is worth shiit on its own. I'll find out if it's a steady job in January.. Apparently I'm worthless :)

                                                                            If anything, college here made me realize life in Norway is not grounded on idealism and I'm ready (you should too @op and anyone not wanting to be ran over) to play with force and tools on top of intellect now. You could say I've been naive all these years...

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                                                                            Malay Punye~

                                                                              FUCK SCHOOL NIGGA


                                                                                Isn't it really hard to get employed as an petroleum engineer nowadays? Other types of engineer are probably still viable, but not as much as one year ago. Atleast in norway it is like that, but it's probably going to turn at some point.

                                                                                Sexo Meister

                                                                                  Damn benao, thats some good sh1t, worth the read.

                                                                                  But idk if my college is consider "good" since so far i didnt learn shit by lecture

                                                                                  Boundless Strike in Gaben...

                                                                                    because youre definitely going to get some very wise insights on this it (y)

                                                                                    bum farto

                                                                                      Having done both let me tell you why you do it and what it's good for.

                                                                                      Going to University allows you to apply for jobs where you will literally have to have a ton of work experience in order to get in.

                                                                                      Pairing University/College with secondary courses is a good idea. For example, I did a Bachelors in Computer Science, but paired it with Prince2/Agile courses, as well as working recently on MSCD accreditation. You have to match up a lot of stuff to make yourself stand up above the rest.

                                                                                      University on it's own might not give you the dream job or career you wanted but it's a start and it helps get you started on the right path to building a career in something. You can build yourself up from the ground up without a degree but it can take longer and means you have to sometimes accept less pay for something till you can prove you're good at it in order to request a pay rise.

                                                                                      Also people come out of University with really well refined soft skills which is what a lot of Employers look for in an individual.

                                                                                      What are you planning on studying? I can help give you some advice from my personal experiences.

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                                                                                        Sexo Meister


                                                                                          Cus i heard db got some good proplr


                                                                                            LMAO !!!! HAHAHAHA !!!!! SO FUNNY "Cus asking for another $200 after paying $535 JUST for the last year is just fucked up". Silly foreigners it is so funny when you guys complain about the prices of education in your country. The public universities in merica cost $15,000 a year. And that is the public ones, and only the public ones that don't also require you to live on campus. If you go to a private university you come out $200,000 in debt.

                                                                                            fucking $735 for a year of school that is some funny shit...

                                                                                            slowly walks into corner crying.

                                                                                            Riguma Borusu

                                                                                              "fucking $735 for a year of school that is some funny shit...
                                                                                              slowly walks into corner crying."

                                                                                              Well, yes, but let's ignore the fact that minimum wage in america is likely top pay in his country. My scholarship would be 900 EUR if it were not paid by the country since I'm the top of the class.

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                                                                                              ✪ hiro™

                                                                                                College degree. Better something than nothing.


                                                                                                  ^^ our minimum wage is $7.25 so if you worked 40 hours a week for 52 weeks a year for 13 years with out spending any money on food or housing then you could pay to go to a private university. only food + housing + heating + transportation to get to work costs more then $290 a week here, so you figure it out how you get through school on minimum wage in merica. The only way is to take out loans then hope you get a job that pays well after you get out of school.


                                                                                                    you never read about the guy who took his shot and missed. sure, plenty of people have dropped out of college and had successful lives but 90% of those that drop out end up in some deadend job wishing they'd got a better education.

                                                                                                    just get a degree and be done with it. think yourself lucky that you are able to be there...

                                                                                                    7Mad About You

                                                                                                      kid, you having a hard life if you skipping your school


                                                                                                        more like 99.999999999%