General Discussion

General DiscussionBuddies that you lost cus of dotka

Buddies that you lost cus of dotka in General Discussion
Sexo Meister

    Howmany? 3? 10? 34?

    I lost 26 guys kek


      I lost negative 7...




          What do you mean with losing friends? They don't go out with you at all or you just haven't heard of them? You can go knock in their doors and ask them out.


            I made friends because of dota...


              less than ten, but mostly dota was only one of the reasons or.. they weren't really my friends in first place

              Sexo Meister


                I mean like u play w/ ur buddy but they end up being salty and unfriend u in steam, stuff like that




                    ah, people whom I dont know irl and unfriended in steam cz of dota?

                    4 then. 3 of them come from dbuff HueHueHUehUEHuEHUE.


                      20 apparently. Though I'm still forced to play with some of them now and then because certain other friends aren't willing to give up on them yet >.>

                      LIL KASALANAN

                        0, you guys are harsh :o

                        waku waku

                          a few
                          but i never had any real friends in first plaec

                          Pale Mannie

                            dunno havent counted


                              If you lose an irl friend due to Dota you need to reconsider your priorities. If you lose an online friend ... who cares, you were never going to meet them anyway


                                well if we're talking about random ppl who i met in dota then .. a ton of people

                                King of Low Prio

                                  Yorkey deleted me cuz I made fun of his LC

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                                  Pale Mannie

                                    i lost 5 and i got 5 new irl friends
                                    seems about right


                                      I don't even play with randoms that I met online so I never gained nor lost any friends on DotA.


                                        A lot, not even counting :) those who were meant to stay, stayed with you anyway, so no fucks given about the rest.

                                        Este comentário foi editado

                                          all my irl friends well most of them play dota... we started together in 2005 and we used to play a lot some of them couldnt hanndle 2k mmr and keep playing for fun i could hanndle 2k cause im good so good actually i can shit myself atm.
                                          we still play some fun games tho and lose all of them but fuck winrates "all that matters is how much bitch u fuck in ur life "
                                          i still hang out with all my friends off dota and have a good time

                                          Sexo Meister


                                            So im not the only scumbag here, kek

                                            Also i forgot to mention but i lost alot cus my friends are kids that get mad from dying in game

                                            And cus i never wanted to heal them kek

                                            lm ao

                                              I actually made a lot of friend sjust hanging around the forums

                                              I never fail to learn new and really clever stuff from people here


                                                @take your time' young man. I have met 4 of my previously steam/online friends.


                                                  1, tho the guy was a massive ass most of the time and told I should only message him if I have something "importnat" to talk about because hes very busy and has a lot of work to finish.

                                                  Turns out he was 14, removed him from friendlist at that moment

                                                  Livin' Real Good

                                                    ^ What a bitch. Don't you love when people tell you're they're busy, and can't talk, then 5 minutes later you see them start up CSGO or whatever other game, fake as fuck.

                                                    I haven't lost any friends cause of dota, deleted Sampson cause of rage, but he's back on my friend list now. Any other people I deleted, or who deleted me (less than 5 probably) weren't really friends to begin with, just people I tried being friends with, but they didn't really care to make an effort, so I deleted them, or they deleted me I guess?

                                                    I think i've actually deleted a few people in this thread for being inactive in talking to me. LOL

                                                    But only gave a fuck about Sampson and Salza, the rest, yawn. Whatever, I tried being nice, wish them the best. :)

                                                    Este comentário foi editado

                                                      Alot because I deleted them for being trash, if you play with bad people you will become worse.

                                                      Mr. Furryhentai

                                                        none, i never had anyone

                                                        King of Low Prio

                                                          I think you mean Salsa

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