General Discussion

General Discussionoracle 6.86 discussion

oracle 6.86 discussion in General Discussion

    dunno about this hero rn.

    pros are spamming it on pubs/training it/picking on tourneys.

    that hero was a true garbage for 2 last patches, starting from fixing his ult cd and invis.

    they changed q, so you can purge allies debuffs, nerfed his ult again, making it 9 sec grave with 30 sec cd, so basically we got a lot more agressive dazzle aka oracle.

    wtf is this bullshit, really.


    any DECENT 5k+ experiences as/against oracle?
    bc i think i'll spam this hero a bit after i figure out how do you play him, bc in theory he SHOULD not be that garbage as most supports in 6.86

    (and also because 5k shitfucks don't know how to play with roam wk, they're picking ogre as 3rd sup roflmao)

    plz do

      I think Oracle will become more popular in pubbies, once pros show the plebs how to properly play her. Turns out, Oracle might not be so retarded after all. Also, Oracle was not in cm last 2 patches, was it?

      Pom Pom 🍕

        ^He, Earth Spirit and TB just got released in CM this patch. Two former were never in cm before.



            He'll be about as shit as Wisp is in pubs.


              ^ playing against tiny wisp tryhards gave me cancer


                oracle alch tryheads would be as tedious if it was more popular.


                  Hero used to be good as a support - you could disarm the enemy carry in team fights and make them more susceptible to your carries, you could take roshan super fast since you could disarm and make him take 50% more physical damage. His ulti used to be really good with the invis since it meant that when you were playing from behind against some bullshit solo pick off hero (like riki or slark or spirit breaker etc) you could still at least do supporting things and go places to get solo exp etc when any other support would normally just have to hug a tower and not be able to do anything.

                  Then they changed his ultimate to be a shitter mix between repel and shallow grave on three times the cooldown, now it's just a shallow grave on twice the cooldown. A hero whose ultimate is the same spell as the basic ability of another hero. How sad is that. No wonder the hero is still complete trash in pubs, and when Alliance ran it in WCA they lost 2/3 games and never bothered picking it again. In fact what hero did Alliance pick twice and win twice with in the grand finals - dazzle. Fucking rofl. Seriously they just need to replace this heroes ultimate completely.


                    oracle always been broken., from the start, a bit less after the change on ult (however the dpscarry buffed by his ult was just living THE DREAM !!)
                    Then he receive a diserved nerf on the disarm (wtf the 50% damage was for in first place ????)

                    Now, it's a bit less stupid of an ult. but we have broken disarm back (assuming 6 sec duration with 12sec cd wasn't stupid enough). Have fun attacking when your bkb is in cd -4.5sec duration, 2.5sec downtime...-.

                    You could also check oracle and compare him to other nuker. he has an equal if not better burst. More utility (no actually that's false, he has only MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH MORE utility).

                    His only downside is it's extremly hard to carry alone (yeah well, hard to carry alone if you don't have an ultimate right ? cause oracle ain't exactly good target for his own ult, and using your ult on a garbage teammate not gonna help anyway tt) So he isn't great in pub.

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                      You can use his nuke/heal on you range creeps to bring them into deny range and keep the wave in check xd.

                      Pale Mannie

                        ayy lmao

                        OpenAI 3 (Bot)



                            Problem is you give 100% magic resistance to the disarmed target
                            New fortune's end purges like aphotic shield?
                            The hero is interesting

                            Slidespin Akano

                              I''m 5.1k mmr in SEA and only spam Oracle.

                              IMO this version is the STRONGEST and the most VERSATILE Oracle. The reason is that his Fortune's End can purge allies that also purge nearby his allies target.

                              Your friend got silenced, debuff? No problem.

                              Although they nerfed his ulti, it is necessary since making your target become slark for 8 SECONDS is fucking broken. Because of that you can just do your Fate edict > Puri Flame and immediately purge it with your q so your friends can right click immediately.

                              Also the new item, Aether Lens is a HUGE BUFF for Oracle making it a core item for him.

                              Oracle is strong against lineup that consist of debuff that can be purge and he is 1 of the best anti-rune hero..You got haste or double damage? Let me take it away from you.

                              This hero is complicated and you need to know damage type and buffs/debuffs.


                              This hero is strong and people didnt figure out his true potential yet.
                              Needs alot of practice and homework about damage type and debuff/buff

                              waku waku

                                i think he sucks now that ult is simply garbage now


                                  now his 1st skill can be used like slark 1st :D


                                    @Oracle Lover

                                    what's your usual item progression for him?


                                      90% of people don't actually understand his skills and jsut say he is garbage because they have either played him or been on a team of someone playing him who didn't understand his skills.


                                        Y i still dont totally get the skill set it's confusing. Like u 2 then 3 for heal. U have a purge, good. Ur ult is an op shallow grave and u have both disarm for attackers and bkb for ur team if necessary. But u cant use all of the skills properly at the proper time


                                          Is ally-cast Q and enemy-cast Q different or they just affect them differently? Can you target an ally with it and they blink into enemies and net them?

                                          dens putted upperbelt

                                            The hero is complete garbage for mmr. Not relevant before level 6, high cd ultimate, retarded healing combo which can't be used in fights etc. Still can be cool in combo with some heroes but team play is required. Pike wisp imo.

                                            smol brain

                                              I believe a bump is in order

                                              waku waku

                                                see if his second skill did not disarm allies he'd probably be balanced (op) again

                                                Slidespin Akano

                                                  My item progression is courier+wards,1 tanggo and 2 mana pot. Get boots ASAP and then magic stick/wand. Get arcane boots and immediately get Aether lens. That is his core. For luxury i would get euls, guardian greaves, blink since you can blink under false promise, force staff, hex, rod of atos. Sometimes i would get a glimmer so that you could use E and it will deal lesser damage at your allies.

                                                  You can target at ally with it when they blink into enemies to net them. It will follow you like alchemist stun as long as you blink while the Q is still channeling.

                                                  Slidespin Akano


                                                    That is why Oracle is the true definition of situational scenario hero. You need to decide which skills to cast at your ally/enemy. Wrong move and it could cost alot at your team. This is the no.1 reason of why pubs hate having an Oracle on their team.


                                                      I played him for the first time ever last night, hence why I'm looking at forums involving him now.

                                                      I didn't do good at all the first few minutes while I was trying to deny creeps and understand his skills. Once I finally started to understand vaguely what he did I started being able to completely turn the tide on our previously failed team fights.

                                                      I felt like it was basically a 1v5 chess game and my team were my pawns. It was glorious.


                                                        definitely worth looking to, got an alchemist low on health but has chemical rage? false promise √
                                                        thing is that his ult is a strong dispel, and yes the aether lens. it basically allows you to nuke down enemies from range afar with purifying flames
                                                        no one knows wtf oracle does and they sure wont see the nukes coming ez kills

                                                        plz do

                                                          spam 'e' and get 5k mmr


                                                            sad to see how some pros plays earth spirit awful


                                                              His q has become amazingly good. The new ways to set up combos with it has been pretty fun. The problem is that communication with this hero IS A MUST! Warn your allies what you will do before you do it.  

                                                              Blink dagger is so useful on Oracle it's almost criminal.

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