General Discussion

General DiscussionUncommon dota mechanics knowledge

Uncommon dota mechanics knowledge in General Discussion

    Post one or several facts related to how dota mechanics work, that are weird, interesting, or/and most people are not aware of them.

    1. Timberchain provides you with small vision, just like winranger's arrow.

    2. When necro reapers a bkb'd target, it gets stunned but doesnt get damage. The interesting part though is that the passive effect (bb block, if you have an aghs, and time of revival penalty) still works if the target dies during the period of being affected by Reaper.

    3. If Rshan takes periodical damage, and its source (the hero) is located on the cliff, he will just stay behind this cliff and do nothing untill a melee hero attacks him. It means that you can abuse it with any ranged hero without taking literally any damage, cz Roshan's aggro remains on cliffed hero.

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      Lotus Orb purges Silence like Manta or Guardian Greaves


        Lotus orb purges everything and u can find it in this item's description, scrub.


          Savage roar overrides Duel.


            Spirit breaker is op in 3k


              1. you can go wind walk on clinkz while on intel tread and changing it into strength/agility while u still on the fade time.

              2. as tuskar you can snowball your sigil

              3. Every enemy will try to get last hit on creep as many as they want (abuse it) . Especially using hero like legion, tiny, Earthshaker. ETC.

              4. Dazzle is not that bad againts AA ( i just notice from the previous game ) that if you use your grave on ice blast, they cant shattered while on ice blast debuff.

              5. You can go invisiblity while tp (shadow blade, windwalk, vendetta, etc) except Ghost walk i believe.

              6. You now can carapace while vendetta.

              7. As offlaner, at 0:13 you can use take enemy creep before they meet your creeps. This will get you level 2. I used it a lot with legion(Overwhelming odds) and most support at pubs always not ready with it. Do not try this againts 2 disable tho.


                you can still miss with mkb on certain heros

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                  2. is actually new to me


                    coz u are retarded


                      ^ ignore spunki hes pissed cause his d1ld0 delivery havent come yet





                          but hes still retarded


                            Clock rockets block camps

                            Atos is a good item

                            You can salve through level 1 rot

                            lvl 1 boar is strong enough to snipe couriers, lvl 2 takes 0 micro, just auto attack it.

                            you can ghost walk tp.

                            Tinker and keeper of the light are the fastest junglers in the game, assuming you are using stacking methods.

                            Brood is the fastest jungler in the game, without using stacking methods (can clear full jungle + ancient camp per run after lvl 8)

                            Offlane Strength morphling shits on antimage

                            Carry morphling gets shit on by antimage.

                            Morphling replicate on a viper, if you hit the viper once and he has max corosive skin, it will create an endless loop resulting in 500+ damage to the viper.

                            Batrider Aghs can lasso a linkens target, asuming you do not directly target him. eg, the creep he is standing next too.

                            Dazzel can heal couriers

                            You can ensnare couriers, eg. naga net

                            You can't chrono couriers

                            if you culling blade blademail, axe dies first

                            Aghs lich ulti can permanantly bouncy on ancients, and provide vision

                            greevals greed works on zombies spawned by tombstones

                            Lower manacost skills on short cooldowns are less likely to proc from Od's aura. eg. sticky napalm, quill spray.

                            if somebody insta tp's against a sniper, you can stop it with your ulti. you have less than 1 second to react with assasinate, assuming they are in range for the bullet travel time.

                            clockwerk blademail + shallow grave.. hook shot creepwave or allied hero while ruptured for instagibs on bloodseekers.

                            CM Ulti has the highest potential ultimate damage out put in the game.

                            Chaos knight has the highest single target dps out of any carry.


                              "Chaos knight has the highest single target dps out of any carry."
                              Pretty sure it would be Sven because cleave goes through armor

                              "CM Ulti has the highest potential ultimate damage out put in the game."
                              You're forgetting Remote Mines

                              Riguma Borusu

                                Spell Resistance and Magic Damage Resistance are actually completely different things.

                                Livin' Real Good

                                  Brewmaster is the best character in the game.


                                    Cleave doesn't affect a single target though


                                      Cleave isn't single target.

                                      Get a lvl 16 0 items Ck and a lvl 16 Pa etc and get them to fight eachother, the CK wins everytime.
                                      Add items and the Ck is the higehst single target dps.


                                        Aether Lens + Blink Dagger lets you blink 1400units. Going to need a bigger screen.


                                          can someone tell me if Arc warden traps show vision


                                            and seeing as there is exactly 0% chance that every single CM shard hits the same location, i would say SF has the highest ulti damage off the top of my head

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                                            Riguma Borusu

                                              "can someone tell me if Arc warden traps show vision"

                                              Yes, and flying vision at that. The hero's completely broken and should be nerfed to the ground.

                                              D the Superior
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                                                  rubik cant copy tusky ults

                                                  Riguma Borusu

                                                    ^because it's actually a spell attack modifier, rubik can't copy any of those.

                                                    Pale Mannie

                                                      Cant blink out anymore out of Astral Imprisonment

                                                      D the Superior
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                                                          u can salve through ds second spell.

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                                                            "Can actually win game and contribute to fights"
                                                            30% winrate kappa

                                                            D the Superior
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                                                                Increase those values through autoexec= tons of dead corpses on the battlefield

                                                                Miku Plays

                                                                  mask of madness synergises well with lc

                                                                  Sexo Meister

                                                                    Razor is a dude with a girly corset

                                                                    D the Superior
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                                                                        Highest dps ultis are legion pudge darkseer cuz none of them have a limit


                                                                          Unless its been changed, you can salve and run with level 1 rupture and it wont cancel your salve. not sure about higher levels of rupture


                                                                            it used to be an ability, now it's just attack modifier like tidebringer

                                                                            razor's ult=path of least resistance (one of his quotes as well)


                                                                              The only hero who can break the atk speed limit is alchemist


                                                                                at certain point MoM could break it, are u sure it was fixed?

                                                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                                                  "The only hero who can break the atk speed limit is alchemist"

                                                                                  No, he can't, he only has 1.0 BAT so he can attack the fastest, attack speed cap still exists.

                                                                                  @TripleStea- I don't think it can do it anymore.

                                                                                  Happy Pill <3

                                                                                    Pre 6.86 Void's passive: Backtrack is not evasion, so mkb doesn't work on it.