General Discussion

General Discussionremove random from ranked all pick

remove random from ranked all pick in General Discussion
Dire Wolf


    I say fuck yes that shit ruins so many games.

    D the Superior
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      Livin' Real Good

        Yes, but elitist would disagree, but fuck THEM, I say. Too many Elder Titan randoms from team mates only to hear them say " trade? trade!? "

        Then of course, no one wants to trade for that boring, giant, shit hero, so they go 0-11.


          nothing wrong with randoms, especially when 4 other people cant decide what the fuck they wanna play

          Dire Wolf

            oh i can easily decide problem is all the heroes i want have hard counters (wk, riki, medusa, ck, etc) so I need to last or 2nd to last pick but retards won't first pick ogre and lion and shit

            if you are picking support just fucking pick it, no need to hold onto a cm pick

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              randoming can be really fun when the game gets stale


                ^But surely you'd just go random in a regular all pick match? Why in ranked risk getting a hero you cannot play and screwing over your team?

                Miku Plays

                  ^ if ur good u shouldnt be scared of random ... :/


                    If you're good, yes. But the amount of shit players greatly out number the good ones.

                    Miku Plays



                        can we get a proper solo ranked queue first please?


                          Hell yes


                            no, why?


                              Only rookies who can only play a bunch of heroes would agree with OP.

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                              the realm's delight


                                instead remove the fucking autistic 2 stacks from solo queue i have no idea how that shits allowed for 2 years or something


                                  autistic 2 stacks on your side are balanced with autistic 2 stacks in enemy team

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                                  Riguma Borusu

                                    I think people are unhappy with having less power over the game than they feel they should. If somebody randoms, that's it. He could also pick some dogshit hero he can't play and just feed and blame you for it.

                                    Still, people who random 4 and 5 picks need to die.

                                    the realm's delight

                                      thats not how it works lol cause the party players in my team could have 5,4k party and same solo or smth while their party players have 6k+ and 5k party
                                      happens very often on eue

                                      2stacks definitely have no place at all in solo q

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                                        what u say is just the same stuff ppl are complaining about on the forum 24/7
                                        all the boosters are on enemy side, all the bought accs are on your side
                                        all the feeders/throwers are in your team, as well as rage quitters

                                        on average, its balanced. sometimes it goes bad for you, sometimes for the enemy team, but you tend to remember better the negative scenarios.


                                          i have autism and i don't support this campaign

                                          plz do

                                            ranked should have a competitive environment and urge players to play their best.
                                            for autism -> go normal.

                                            the realm's delight

                                              ? im not complaning about boosters bought accs feeders or throwers, im meeting those every single game i dont really care
                                              im complaning about a very retarded system that has no place in this game. not balanced at all. maybe if u are 5k and below u wouldnt care much

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                                                yeah like triple has 4100 solo and 5100 party, thats imbalanced

                                                Dire Wolf

                                                  Duo stacks are a love/hate thing, like last night a duo on my team picked nightstalker and darkseer offlane and destroyed the other team. Basically won that game for us. But so many times you get a duo and one guy goes mid and another goes hard carry and they both fucking suck. If you're going to duo you should use that to coordinate better, like pick a support and gank for your mid, or both go offlane or something. I'm guilty of this too cus my brother used to always want to hc or mid and I got tired of always supporting his lane.

                                                  The random thing was my knee jerk reaction to a bad game, some douche randomed lifestealer with the first pick then REPICKED LIFSTEALER into broodmother... epic fail. Then next guy picks nature's prophet and our last pick mid goes tinker. Yey for all push team with zero fucking teamfight.


                                                    i mean u r saying that duostacks are bad for you cz u always got the weak duostack on your side, and enemy has two better players who play in party, but in longrun it is not like that and games are still balanced. i didnt say that u complain about other sorts of retards, i told u that ur complaints are pretty similar - you notice when these people lose games for you, but not pay attention when shitty duostacks in enemy team are the reason you win. In the end, all the bullshit is balanced.


                                                      how am i supposed to chage my solo mmr if I dont play it for over a year? it was in mid 4ks back then, am in mid 4ks now and will be in mid 4ks forever. solo suxxx.

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                                                        it's just fucking stupid to play with parties when you're solo because people sometimes care even less about party mmr and troll/feed

                                                        like yeah, 2 stacked on both sides. but why the fuck would you put them next to people who care more about their solo mmr in first place? (obviously, since solo has bigger value than party)


                                                          not for me tho
                                                          i paly solo only when im about to do some shit, and tryhard in party 24-7


                                                            my party mmr is 1k lower than my solo mmr and i still lose because i find it impossible to tryhard in a stack - it just becomes about having fun. i also tend to focus more on my stackmate than the rest of the team. it is just stupid having solo mmr and party mmr in the same game.

                                                            should just be in unranked.


                                                              They need to make a separate queue for 2-stacks and 3-stacks.

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                                                                3-stacks alrdy have a separate queue, but there are not enough of tristacks to let all the duostacks play with them. thats the reason why duostacks are allowed to play in solo q.