General Discussion

General DiscussionNew information on Hero Overviews (Best Allies, Worst Allies)

New information on Hero Overviews (Best Allies, Worst Allies) in General Discussion

    As short as possible:

    I think Dotabuff should do the same as it does in the "BEST VERSUS/WORST VERSUS" sections with allied heroes.

    It's pretty obvious the fact that the picks of your allies do change the chance of winning.
    Some wombo combos like Io+Tiny, Drow+Visage, Legion+Dazzle would be probably seen in numbers and some smaller combos too.
    Besides picking combos, it would help a lot choosing what hero NOT to pick in a match.

    I believe it is a simple and useful thing to add.


      a lil bit offtopic, but:
      legion plus dazzle doesnt sound like a combo to me;
      dazzle is good with huskar, brood, and pl, if we are talking about duo hero combinations.


        Daz can prevent duel loss and stuff like that, but you are right, it's way better supporting huskar (with the shallow grave skill). Anyway, hope you liked the idea.


          Yeah Dazzle is awesome AGAINST Legion, probably one of the best counter picks, but he is not so great with legion.

          I mean legion already has a heal and usually won't be taking on duels where he could die. His biggest problem is usually killing the hero in 5 seconds and for that need damage more then a grave - A lion with burst damage would be more useful imo.

          I think dazzle though is good with anyone who has high dps, like dazzle ursa or dazzle viper is an epic combo too.

          ....Also I've seen many of these threads, dotabuff doesn't add much and I don't think they're interested in adding more features/stats. There are other sites that have already overtaken them as far detailed stats are concerned and all their features are free.

          Este comentário foi editado

          We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!