General Discussion

General DiscussionEldar titan is stronk

Eldar titan is stronk in General Discussion
Sexo Meister

    He got some sexy abs and huge arms to cuddle with

    No srsly, i just tried et and i just realise his skill2 on early game is devastating, up to +60 extra damage on lvl 1 spirit to wack your enemies and a dope 35% ulti damage, made refresher and it tears them anew butthole.

    How is this hero not popular??

    Riguma Borusu

      I feel ET's actually pretty fine in some lineups, but still a very niche pick. Also, many supports/offlaners do great with a refresher, but if you can farm it up in a normal game it's probably already won.

      plz do

        E.T. phone home (if the game goes slightly late, et is deadweight)


          His 2nd is great for a core but ET is quite shit playing as a core (lanning), and support ET is all about maxing 1st but pub is not the best place to place your trust in a teammate not waking the enemy imediately after sleep. Guess thats why he is not that popular, still an amazing hero if you can somehow fit him in though that 5s sleep into set up

          Ol' Jumpscare Baggins

            At least 2 heroes touched by Astral Spirit + (Arcane Boots + Orb of Venom + Glimmer Cape) = The most epic early and mid game right clicker. However, one long-ish disable and you're useless so BG. By the time you get BKB to counter that, everyone is a better right clicker than you. So, in the extremely low chance the enemies have very little slows/hexes/stuns, E.T. O.P.

            If that kind of game arises (UNDER 4 heavy slows/stuns on enemy team) check out my trash tier guide and smash sh*t up!
            After reading this thread though I'm going to add refreshers to my guide soon-ish.

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            Riguma Borusu

              Why would you go for right click build with this hero? He's very positioning based with his spirit, but he does not have to endanger himself or build to be able to take punches and tank anything, that's retarded.

              meow kitty

                one of the most underrated heros of all time. s a d.

                Sexo Meister


                  Why make him a rightclicker

                  Et stronk cus shatter earth removes 35% max hp with 5s sleep and a spirit that can give 300 extra damage lel

                  TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

                    Anyone ever tried going aghs+refresher(+shiva's if you have the money) on this guy?

                    w+q+w(return spirit)+r+refresh+r+w+q then go march into their lineup and watch a beautiful sight unfold. Forget going right-click build on this guy. he's made for a bigger theatre (teamfights) IMO. Of course, if you only land a perfect setup beforehand maybe with a tide ravage or if w+q lands without a hitch.

                    Este comentário foi editado

                      I was put off by him because the hotkey that selects all other units doesnt work with his spirit.

                      TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

                        forget microing his spirit. you could just drop the spirit and shift-queue stomp. at least, that works for me but hey I'm only a normal skill scrub.

                        Riguma Borusu

                          Yeah, don't micro the spirit at all. The vision it provides is COMPLETELY USELESS. Right guys?

                          Me And My Little Broken Ass

                            I think ET is very strong at counter CK.Being hit by Earth splitter will clear all CK's illusion in 1 hit.

                            Riguma Borusu

                              ^Yeah, good thing is, CK, one of the most mobile heroes in the game, is just going to stand in your combo... :/